Surviving Your First Year After Graduation The Mary Baldwin Way!!!
Surviving Your First Year Conducting yourself in the workplace, focusing on differences between college and the world of work. Differences between graduate education and undergraduate education. Maintaining a social schedule is important to your well-being.
How we dress in College Blue jeans Sweats Piercings Unironed, unwashed…. Short skirts, shirts, shorts Baseball caps NO MAKE-UP
Presenting a Professional Appearance DO’s Look at what others are wearing, especially your boss Wear pants with jacket Wear stockings IRON, wash, groom Watch length of skirts Conceal tattoos, piercings DON’TS Wear items that will not permit you to do your job Wear torn stockings, clothing Show cleavage Wear sleeveless shirts Show bra strap, panty lines, etc.
Your Class Schedule Attend classes sporadically throughout the day Have many breaks You schedule your day Attendance is not always mandatory Professors provide you with syllabi
Your Work Schedule Arrive before/ leave after boss Use sick days only if absolutely necessary Schedule vacation in advance ASK for days off Keep day planner Develop a routine
Positive Work Habits Keep partying at a minimum Work items should be visible Take advantage of EVERY educational opportunity Keep a positive attitude Cell phones OFF Stand-Smile-Shake Keep personal correspondence to a minimum Set high but realistic goals MOST IMPORTANTLY BE ABLE TO SHOW RESULTS!!!
Build Positive Relationships Honor commitments Volunteer Don’t insult boss, or talk negatively THANK YOU Listen and communicate Accept responsibility Return calls, s Get a mentor Ask questions
Build Positive Relationships (Cont’d) Walk in other’s shoes Remember the GOLDEN RULE!!! Respect other’s time and space Don’t take sides Be adaptable Set the example Be willing to pay your dues Take risks Give credit to others when they assist you Learn how to take constructive criticism Show initiative
Differences Between Graduate School and Undergraduate Expectations Survival Tips Where to go for more information
Expectations – Undergrad. v. Grad. Number of Course Hrs./Sem. = 12 – 18 Classes – Meet 2-3 times per week Classes – varied at a Liberal Arts College Assignments – Structured Grad. Requirements – min. 132 hrs., GPA > 2.5 in major, and senior sem. Number of Course Hrs./Sem. = 9 – 12 Classes – Meet once a week for more than 1 hr. Classes – Career/Program Specific Assignments- Unstructured Grad. Requirements – Credit hours, <2 C’s, comps, and/or thesis
Undergrad. v. Grad. (Continued) Housing – probably on campus Work – Work Study, campus job, or maybe off campus Housing – probably off campus Work – Grad.,Teaching, or Research Assistant, or off campus
Grad. School Survival Tips Have clear career goals Learn to manage your stress by managing your time well If you don’t already have them, develop good study and work habits Network, Network, Network!!
Develop Clear Career Goals Know why you are in the program – it’s easier to stay motivated with a clear goal in mind Develop a 5 year plan for your life – how does graduate school fit into it? Decide on whether you will attend full-time or part-time Decide about working on campus, off, not at all
Manage Your Stress and Your Time Develop a master schedule for the semester which includes class times, assignment due dates, and work schedule Don’t procrastinate!! Make a friend in your program Prioritize tasks such assignments, housework, and other commitments Schedule your most difficult work during your most productive hours Make time to exercise and relax
Study and Work Habits Attend every class Turn in assignments on time or sooner Ask for clarification on assignments when needed Use course syllabus to stay ahead of reading assignments Try to schedule classes at the time of day when you are most alert Don’t skip work to study for a class Get permission before studying on “work time” Utilize campus and online resources
Networking in Grad. School Get to know your advisor and other professors in your program Attend any extracurricular activities sponsored by the program (e.g. holiday party, receptions) Join professional organizations as a student Try to find a job in your field while in school Volunteer to aide professors in doing research Keep a journal of your accomplishments, papers, and duties Find a mentor
Life after the 5 o’clock whistle blows Plan things to do with friends Make new friends Exercise Eat well (learn to cook) Learn to live on a budget Remember on their deathbed no one ever said, “I wish I spent more time at work.”
Resources for Survival menus/ menus/freestuff.shtml READ – Next Step: The Real World