Kite Runner Chapters 1-3 Mr. Reid
Summary 1.S.F. (2001) - Amir, as an adult, receives a phone call from Rahim Khan 2.Unatoned sins “There is a way to be good again.” 3.Remembering times as a child w/ Hassan (Hazara) before winter of Differences b/n Hassan (Hazara & Shi’a) and Amir (Pashtun & Sunni) 5.Conflict b/n Amir & father, Baba – jealous of anything that gets his attention
Line Lighter “I felt as if I were sitting on a pair of tree trunks. He took a deep breath and exhaled through his mustache for what seemed an eternity. I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to hug him or leap from his lap in mortal fear” (Hosseini 16). “At parties, when all six-foot-five of him thundered into the room, attention shifted to him like sunflowers turning to the sun” (Hosseini 13).
Character Captain “Because the truth of it was, I always felt like Baba hated me a little. And why not? After all, I had killed his beloved wife, his beautiful princess, hadn’t I?” (Hosseini 19). “I cried all the way back home. I remember how Baba’s hands clenched around the steering wheel…. I will remember his valiant efforts to conceal the disgusted look on his face” (Hosseini 21).
Themes Father / Son Relationships A Son’s relationships with his father can greatly impact his perception of his self.
Hair Lip