Pre-AP Bellwork Week Five and Six
Monday, October 20 “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.” ~Robert Frost Pretend that you are an entry in the Webster’s Dictionary. Write the entry. Eg. Mrs. Raprich- Proper Noun- a teacher exceptional in wit and logic, a great friend to those near to her, accepts only one’s best work, often causes students to learn by pushing them beyond their comfort level.
1. What kind of reputation does Mr. Crawley want to develop? 2. How does Ansty want to be perceived by others? 3. Write the definition: Façade: an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a different reality. Tuesday, October 21
1. What meaning do paperclips hold for Calvin? 2. What does a paperclip symbolize for Antsy? Wednesday, October 22
How does the novel develop a theme around friendship? Make a thesis statement with a claim to how friendship is developed as a theme in the novel and your reasoning why. Thursday, October 23
1. How does Mr. Crawley respond to the “shock therapy” his granddaughter gives? 2. How are his emotions different than his reaction? Monday, October 27
Calvin Schwa so desperately wants to be noticed that he pays for a billboard with his smiling face on it the size of a hot air balloon and “CALVIN SCHWA WAS HERE” in big red block letters. 1. What do you think is a better way to be noticed? 2. If you had to hire out a billboard of yourself, what would you want the focus to be? What aspects of you would you want to see highlighted for the public? Tuesday, October 28
1. How do Calvin and Antsy view going unnoticed differently in chapter 19? Give examples from the text to support their opinions. 2. Next, consider your views on being unnoticed. When are you happy to be unnoticed? When does it upset you? Please explain. Wednesday, October 29
1. What do you think happens to the Schwa after the book ends? Take some time to think about his journey and write 3-4 sentences to pick up where his story leaves off. Thursday, October 30
Happy Halloween! Bellwork: Write out two questions that you have for our career day speaker. 1. 2. Friday, October 31