How to avoid Viruses and Malware on your Computer Use a firewall Using a firewall is like locking the front door to your house—it helps keep intruders (in this case, hackers and malicious software) from getting in. Windows Firewall is included in Windows and is turned on by default.firewallmalicious softwareWindows Firewall
Update your software Microsoft releases security updates on the second Tuesday of every month. Open Windows Update to confirm that you have automatic updating turned on and that you've downloaded and installed all the latest critical and security updatesWindows Update
Adjust Internet Explorer security settings You can adjust the security settings in your Internet Explorer web browser to specify how much—or how little—information you want to accept from a website Microsoft recommends that you set the security settings for the Internet zone to Medium or higher Internet Explorer also includes a number of features, such as SmartScreen Filter, to help protect against viruses, spyware, and many other kinds of malicious, deceptive, or unwanted software. Internet Explorer
Download and install antivirus software Microsoft Security Essentials helps protects your computer from viruses, spyware, and other unwanted software. It's available as a no-cost download for Windows Vista and Windows 7. For more information, see Help protect your PC with Microsoft Security Essentials. Microsoft Security EssentialsHelp protect your PC with Microsoft Security Essentials Note: In Windows 8, Windows Defender replaces Microsoft Security Essentials. Windows Defender runs in the background and notifies you when you need to take specific action. However, you can use it anytime to scan for malware if your computer isn’t working properly or if you clicked a suspicious link online or in an message.
Surf and download more safely The best defense against spyware and other unwanted software is not to download it in the first place. Here are a few tips that can help you avoid downloading software that you don't want: Download programs only from websites you trust. If you're not sure whether to trust a program you are considering downloading, enter the name of the program into your favorite search engine to see if anyone else has reported that it contains spyware. Files that end in the extensions.exe or.scr commonly hide malware. However, even files with familiar extensions such as.docx,.xlsx, and.pdf can be dangerous. Read all security warnings, license agreements, and privacy statements associated with any software you download. Before you install something, consider the risks and benefits of installing it, and be aware of the fine print. For example, make sure that the license agreement does not conceal a warning that you are about to install software with unwanted behavior. continued
Surf and download more safely (cont.) Never click "Agree" or "OK" to close a window. Instead, click the red "x" in the corner of the window or press Alt + F4 on your keyboard to close a window. Be wary of popular "free" music and movie file-sharing programs, and be sure you understand all of the software that is packaged with those programs. Use a standard user account instead of an administrator account. For more information, see Why use a standard account instead of an administrator account?Why use a standard account instead of an administrator account? Don't click links on suspicious websites or in messages. Instead, type the website address directly into your browser, or use bookmarks.
Use Internet Explorer SmartScreen Filter SmartScreen Filter is included in Internet Explorer. If you attempt to visit a website or download a file that has been reported as unsafe, SmartScreen Filter displays a warning that advises you about the potential dangers and enables you to provide feedback.Internet Explorer Application Reputation is part of SmartScreen Filter in Internet Explorer. Application Reputation helps reduce the number of unnecessary warning prompts for most downloads and will display them only when you are about to download programs that are more likely to be malicious. Windows SmartScreen is built into the Windows 8 operating system. If your computer is running Windows 8, Windows SmartScreen Application Reputation can help protect you from downloaded programs that are more likely to be malicious. You can adjust Windows SmartScreen settings to suit your preferences for dealing with unrecognized apps.Windows 8 Skype also uses SmartScreen technology. For example, if you're using Skype and you click links to websites that are known to contain malware and phishing threats, Skype blocks the sites.
Additional Information The best antivirus programs 2014 Brighthouse provides McAffe antivirus for free if you are a internet subscriber Brighthouse Removal tools MS Defender (full scan) Kasperski Virus removal tool McAfee Virus scan