Particles Filter, MCL & Augmented MCL Chee Yu
Bayes Filter
Particles Filter Samplings of previous belief
Particles Filter (Continued)
Particles Filter (End)
Monte Carlo Localization (Table 8.2)
Generating w
Monte Carlo Localization (Table 8.2)
Resampling Algorithm Initialize threshold Algorithm systematic_resampling(S,n): For Generate cdf Initialize threshold For Draw samples … While ( ) Skip until next threshold reached Insert Increment threshold Return S’ Also called stochastic universal sampling
Problems Chee could not recover if he was kidnapped by his roommate. What can we do?
Problems What if we throw in random variables? Yeah! But when and how many? Look at the average weight? No… Then, what?
Augmented MCL (Table 8.3)
Augmented MCL (Continued)
Augmented MCL (Continued)
Augmented MCL (Ended)
Augmented MCL (Ended)
Suggestions Use creative ways to learn . Finish the project . on understanding instead of random try, Google search and friends. When facing problems try to find out what you don’t understand. Do not ask Dr. Sridharan too specific information about homework in order to just finish the assignment without understanding the material. Able to finish the homework after being given lot of hints does not means you understand. You should be able to applied what you learned to a new problem.