Demands and Requirements for the New Control System for GSI Future Accelerators An Overview U. Krause, S. Richter, P. Schütt
Operational Demands Support of various operational modes: –Experiments Dedicated operation for plasma physics –Special operation modes during commissioning/machine experiments –Operation during shutdown periods Shutdown of single accelerators/storage rings Shutdown of whole facility
Accelerational Modes Beam acceleration –Parallel operation of the accelerators and storage rings –“High” repitition rate mode at UNILAC: 50 Hz up to 3 ion sources – –Booster operation of UNILAC and SIS12 –Multiturn and Multi-Multiturn Injection –Different Extraction Modes –Reinjection –Beam Cooling –Anti-Proton beams
General Demands Lifetime of accelerator controls > 30 years –10 y construction and commissioning –20 y operation BUT : –constant improvements –Incorporation of new beam line elements and (software) devices Which ideas will come up in 5-10 years? Controls has to support established modes!
General Demands Interfaces to –Personel Protection System –Machine Protection System Beam Loss Quench Detection and Protection Beam Abort Timing demands < 5 s Distribution of signals to main control room, which may be in > 1 km distance
General Demands Well defined beam-line segments must be shared with experiments Signaling of access rights Reservation mechanisms for those shared devices Dual link to accelerator controls and experiment controls
Devices and Device Properties Augment special device properties from Operating Interface –e.g. Magnets – simple device? –Controls has to cope with a multitude of different magnet types warm, cold, ramped, pulsed, DC one power supply for > 2 magnets in a chain or in different beam lines for exclusive use –More power supplies: Deflector, chopper –same problem for rf, beam diagnosics...
Radioactive Ion Beams For storage ring experiments: ions in 50 ns pulse For fixed target experiments: ions/sec Duty factor near 100% (SIS 12)
Antiproton Physics Primary proton beam: –2.5x10 13 protons in 50 ns pulse Proton-antiproton experiments in HESR: Luminosity 2x10 32 cm -2 s -1 Antiproton production rate 2x10 7 s -1 (SIS 12)
High Energy Nuclear Collisions –High Energy U GeV/u Xe GeV/u Ne GeV/u –Moderate Intensity <1x10 9 ions /s –High Duty Factor >80% (SIS 12)
Definition of Super-Cycles Priority based, but not predefined at all! Possible change from pulse to pulse May affect only parts of the machine Different timing domains within the super-cycle (Linacs, Booster, Synchrotrons and Storage Rings)
Beam Synchronous Timing Ensure correct data supply before beam is generated or injected into Beam Line Different timing constants of data supply and generation of device settings (magnet ramping and rf control) Synchronization of a pair of rf- systems Feed Back and Feed Forward Loops for closed orbit controls
Interface to Experiments Request lines for beam –Indicate request for certain intesities (detector set up/calibration or production run) SR: Trigger for internal targets and detectors with beam (demanded accuracy?) Make use of detector data for beam position corrections
Possible “Synergy” with EE Slow control for media –Water –Cryogenics –Air, gases –… Analysis of Post Mortem Data Try to use common development environment, common hardware (e.g. development/Programming of DSPs and FPGAs)