United States Coast Guard Auxiliary 1 An Introduction
2 USCGAUX History Established by Act of Congress in 1939 Originally called USCG Reserve Renamed the Auxiliary when WWII began Four Cornerstones Member Services Recreational Boating Safety Operations & Marine Safety Fellowship
3 On An Average Day the Coast Guard Auxiliary will: Complete 62.5 safety patrols Complete 6.2 regatta patrols Perform 10.2 vessel assists Assist 28 people Save 1 life Save $341,290 in property Participate in 100 operational support missions Participate in 48.7 administrative support missions Complete 13.4 recruiting support missions Educate 369 people on boating safety Perform 299 vessel safety checks Attend 70 public affairs functions
4 Cornerstones Member Services We match your interests with our needs Covers areas such as public affairs, finance, computer information systems, etc. Recreational Boating Safety Public Education Vessel Exams Distribution of Safety Literature Speaker’s Bureau Operations & Marine Safety Operations Aviation Communications Marine Safety Aids to Navigation Fellowship Encourages close relationships, team work, and, of course, fun !!!
5 We’re Just Like You …. People from all walks of life are Auxiliarists. No upper age limit, no height/weight standards (although for certain positions, such as boat crew, you must be physically capable of doing the routine tasks associated with that position).
6 Who are our members? PlumbersRetireesButchers DoctorsMomsDads Carpenters VeteransPainters Bus DriversSalesmenBoaters Electricians Waiters Ham Operators Machinists Lawyers Police Officers AccountantsWriters Fire Fighters Cooks Candlestick Makers
7 Membership Almost everyone can be a member as long as they are 17 years old and a US Citizen. Must be able to pass a basic background check.
8 What We Do as Auxiliary Members We help save lives We teach boating safety to our communities We disburse valuable information We Augment the US Coast Guard Surface Vessels Watch Standing & JOOD Chef Program Academy Recruiting
9 What you can expect from the Auxiliary Personal growth in gaining skills, abilities, and knowledge A sense of pride FUN !!!.
10 Jobs for EVERYONE !!! As a boater – Crew or Coxswain As a retiree – Share your life learned lessons As a carpenter, electrician, or plumber – Apply your skills to our team As a teacher – Public Education or Member Training As a communicator – Radio COMMS or our Watch Stander Program – As a sales person – Public Affairs, Recruitment, or Program Affairs, Recruitment, or Program Visitor Visitor As an HR person – Personnel As an HR person – Personnel Services Services As a writer – Publications As a writer – Publications As a fire fighter or police officer As a fire fighter or police officer – use your skills to enhance our – use your skills to enhance our various programs various programs As an accountant – Finance or As an accountant – Finance or Material Services Material Services
11 And so much more ….. Photographer Good and Welfare (Ombudsman) Emergency Response Planning
12 The Coast Guard Auxiliary Members a commitment to our community, and our country You don’t have to be on the water to help the USCG Auxiliary [we have members that cannot swim !!!] When was the last time you felt a sense of pride and accomplishment in being part of a worthy cause? So much to choose from so…… WHICH MEMBER ARE YOU GOING TO BE???
13 QUESTIONS Contact us by phone, , or in person THANK YOU !!!