SAT Words Root 4
17. analogous The attack on the World Trade Center was analogous to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
analogous (uh-NAHL-uh-guss) adjective Sounds like: an alligator Picture… two alligators that look exactly alike. Other form: analogy (noun) Definition: similar
18. antiquated We are also saving the expense of maintaining our antiquated computer system.
antiquated (ANN-tih-quay-ted) adjective Sounds like: Auntie Katie Picture… a very, very old woman named Auntie Katie. She lives in an old house with an old dog and old furniture. Every single thing in Auntie Katie’s life is antiquated. Connect with antique, antiquity (nouns) Definition: too old to be useful; outdated; obsolete
19. arbitrary The lines that they are trying to draw are bizarre and arbitrary.
arbitrary (ARR-bih-treh-ree) adjective Sounds like: Our bee, Jerry! Picture… a giant glass tank called the Lost Bee Shelter. A young man is looking into the tank at thousands of flying bees. He says to the attendant, “I think that’s him. That’s my bee, Jerry.” Other form: arbitrarily (adverb) Definition: selected by random choice and without solid reason
20. atrophy Because it was not being used effectively, the root system would atrophy and die.
atrophy (AH-troh-phee) verb Looks like: a trophy Note: The word atrophy refers to the way muscles waste away when they haven’t been used. Picture… a trophy with a figure on top. The figure’s arms and legs are melting (its muscles have atrophied). Other form: atrophy (noun) Definition: waste away; wither
21. augment He notes that each state has its own supply, but the feds will augment if necessary.
augment (awg-MENT) verb Looks like: Aug. mint Picture… a gardener who has been trying to grow mint for months, with just a few plants to show for her hard work. Then, on August 1 st, she discovers her entire backyard covered with mint. “Wow!” she says. “This Aug. mint is quite an increase from the July mint!” Other form: augmentation (noun) Definition: make larger; increase
Root 4: cub, cumb The hen does not begin to incubate until all the eggs are laid, and all the eggs hatch within a single day.
cub, cumb Meaning: lie down, lean, sit Sample words: incubate, incumbent, encumber, succumb, recumbent, cubicle