Dr.Vijay Kumar Teotia Regional Officer (NR) Animal Quarantine & Certification Services Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
Quarantine Stations in INDIA 1. New Delhi (NR) 2. Mumbai (WR) 3. Kolkatta (ER) 4. Chennai (SR) 5. Bangalore 6. Hyderabad
OBJECTIVES 1. To prevent the ingress of any Exotic Livestock Diseases into India through importation of livestock & livestock products as per the provisions of Livestock Importation Act (Act No.IX. of 1898) as amended by the Livestock Importation (Amendment) Act, 2001 (5.7. 2001). 2. Implementation of the provision of the Act and Central Government orders and notifications in force on importation and exportation of livestock and livestock Products. 3. To act as defence force against ingress of exotic disease of Veterinary importance by regulating, restricting, prohibiting the import of livestock and livestock Products. To provide an Internationally accepted certification service for augmenting export and to increase National exchequer. (Pre-shipment Quality control)
IMPORTANCE OF ANIMAL QUARANTINE Increase of international travel and trade, rapid transport, emergence/re-emergence of diseases and globalization. 2. Strict Quarantine/sanitary measures . Danger of introduction of known and unknown transmissible diseases. protects the country from the exotic diseases, which have the potential for very serious and rapid spread, serious socio economic and public health consequences. (protects the natural fauna of the country)
ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF ANIMAL QUARANTINE Saving the huge money, lobour and time required in disease eradication programmes (sometimes eradication not sure) by preventing the entry of exotic diseases. EXPORT: Increasing the demand of LS/LSP in the international market by increasing/ maintaining the quality. Increasing the National exchequer.
ACT and AMENDMENTS ( INDIA) 1898-‘Livestock Importation Act’ was framed. AMENDMENTS 1. ‘Livestock Importation (Amendment)Act’,1953. 2. ‘Livestock Importation (Amendment) Act’,2001. Insertion of words “and livestock products”. Into force-5thday of July 2001 NOTIFICATIONS (www.dahd.nic.in) 7thJuly 2001, S.O.655 (E)-Restriction of Livestock products. 17thAugust 2001,S.O.802 (E)-Prohibition from TSE reporting countries. 3.16thOct. 2001,S.O.1043 (E)-Inclusion of aquatic animals & products under livestock products. 4. 28th March 2008, S.O.794(E)- Restriction of Livestock products. Notifications on Livestock Import visit: (www.dahd.nic.in)
Action required for better implementation of Import policy Insertion of mandatory Animal Quarantine Clearance (AQ) after arrival In Notification No. 18 (RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 11/06/2013 and Notification No. 29(RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 24/07/2013 issued by Ministry of Commerce and Industry. In ITC (HS) Import Policy
Need to be Inserted in :Notifications & ITC (HS) Import Policy. Mandatory requirement of Animal Quarantine (AQ) import clearance after arrival for all livestock products irrespective of requirement of License or SIP Need to be Inserted in :Notifications & ITC (HS) Import Policy. All imported livestock products need to be checked strictly by Technical body (AQCS) after arrival as unwanted, undeclared, restricted and prohibited items including animal origin material can be mixed very easily without declaration or by improper declaration. The clearing/referring Custom officials do not have Technical expertise in this regard and can easily be misguided by Importers/clearing agencies by submitting improper/incomplete information.
Feed/Feed supplement/Kind Chapter 23 (ITC-HS code 2309) “Preparation of kind used in Animal Feeding”. Mixing of unwanted, undeclared, restricted and prohibited items including animal origin/MBM material in animal feed and preparations cannot be ruled out. Misdeclaration/Mixing of restricted and prohibited items is very easy in feed preparations which cannot be detected by Custom referring officials who do not have expertise in this regard. Mere declaration of non-animal origin status of animal feed by the Importer and production of related manufacturing /analysis report is not sufficient to allow clearance. Proper technical examination is very much necessary before release. ACTION: Insertion of condition “subject to confirmation by Animal Quarantine (AQ) regarding non animal origin status of product.
ACTION TAKEN BY AQCS Request Letter No. 2-12/08-09/AQCS(ND)/1786, dated 13.8.13 has been sent to DAHDF and DGFT. Subject: Insertion of mandatory Animal Quarantine Clearance (AQ) after arrival in Notifications issued by Ministry of Commerce and Industry and also in ITC (HS) Import Policy-For effective implementation of Policy.
EXPORT (LS/LSP) Export certification is very important and must be as per International Certification Procedure of OIE, Terrestrial Animal Health Code (chapter 5.2, article 5.2.1 to 5.2.4). As per the procedure the Official Veterinarian (AQCS)of the Veterinary Authority (DAHDF, MOA) of the Exporting Country should sign the export Health certificate. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS/GUIDELINES OF IMPORTING COUNTRY REQUEST OF THE IMORTER. EXPORT RULES OF GOI. PRE EXPORT QUARANTINE AND TESTING INSPECTION & CERTIFICATION OBJECTIVE: To prevent the spread and introduction of diseases in new territories. To prevent the complaints from importing countries and to increase the demand of Indian livestock products in the International Market.
EXPORT CERTIFICATION OIE NORMS MUST BE FOLLOWED As per International Certification Procedure of OIE, Terrestrial Animal Health Code (chapter 5.2, article 5.2.1 to 5.2.4). As per the procedure the Official Veterinarian of the Veterinary Authority of the Exporting Country should sign the export Health certificate.
DEFINITIONS AS PER OIE CHAPTER 5.2, article 5.2.1 to 5.2.4 OFFICIAL VETERINARIAN: Means a veterinarian authorized by the Veterinary Authority of the country to perform certain designated official tasks associated with animal health and/or public health and inspections of commodities and, when appropriate, to certify in conformity with the provision of Chapters 5.1. and 5.2 of the Terrestrial Code. Veterinarians of other agencies are not Official Veterinarian of National Veterinary Authority (DAHDF, MOA) of India as per OIE. No Veterinarian of other agencies except AQCS are involved in National Animal health and Public health policies, monitoring, surveillance under National Veterinary Authority (DAHDF, MOA) of India. AQCS officials also represent International Technical Mission in this regard.
VETERINARY AUTHORITY OF EXPORTING COUNTRY Means the Government authority of an OIE Member, comprising Veterinarians, other professionals and para- professionals, having the responsibility and competence for ensuring or supervising the implementation of animal health and welfare measures, international veterinary certification and other standards and recommendations in the Terrestrial Code in the whole territory. Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries (DAHDF), Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) is the Veterinary Authority of India and represent India in OIE (No other agency falls in this category)
Veterinary Certification have two parts 1. TECHNICAL (Veterinary) PART: Involving National health policies, Local health policies, Animal health , inspections, information on health from local Animal Husbandry Officials, Processing system, sourcing, fulfillment of other technical requirements of importing country etc.- Veterinary Officers of AQCS (DAHDF) is authorized in this regard as Official Veterinarian of National Veterinary of India 2. NON TECHNICAL PART: This involve Registration of plant, Approvals, Consignment details, invoice, packing list, container details, Product approvals as per processing etc. - Agencies like Capexil, EIA, EIC etc. involved in plant inspection and approvals provides information in this regard. final certification. In many inspections AQCS Veterinarians are also involved. AQCS issue final certificate after checking the information of different agencies. If required joint certification system can be adopted by other agencies like CAPEXIL + AQCS joint certification in some cases.
JOINT CERTIFICATION SYSTEM (with other Agencies like CAPEXIL +AQCS) Joint certification will be helpful in preventing fraudulence, Rejection and will increase the importance/weight of Indian Certification system. EU/other countries health certificate/permits clearly mention Official Veterinarian/Inspector as signing Authority. Therefore, the Joint certification by involving AQCS, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India is necessary.
Proper Technical Export Certification: Action required for effective Export certification as per OIE procedure Proper Technical Export Certification: Increase the quality of livestock products. Increase the demand of Livestock products in the International market. Prevent fraudulence in certification. Prevent Rejection/destructions of consignment. Increase the importance and authenticity of Indian Certification system. Favourable Health status and efforts of India can be utilized to increase trade.
Action required for effective Export certification as per OIE procedure Involvement of AQCS : Single window clearance/ Final endorsement for all Exports Certification of Livestock and Livestock products by Animal Quarantine & Certification Services (AQCS), DAHDF as per the Certification Procedure of Terrestrial Animal Health Code of OIE (Chapter 5.2, Article 5.2.2).
JOINT CERTIFICATION SYSTEM WITH FINAL ENDORSEMENT BY AQCS Action required for effective Export certification as per OIE procedure JOINT CERTIFICATION SYSTEM WITH FINAL ENDORSEMENT BY AQCS In case other agency issue export certificate-AQCS endorsement should be taken. (Ex. CAPEXIL+AQCS) Agencies involved in registration/approvals of export units should avoid self certification -AQCS endorsement should be taken. (Ex. CAPEXIL+AQCS) Advantage: Increase the authenticity & reliability of Indian certification system.
IMPROPER /NON-IMPLEMANTATION OF ANIMAL QUARANTINE REGULATIONS Requirement of huge money, man power, logistics and time in disease eradication operation (which is not sure always)