Dragonborn Battlemind / Level 5 ABILITIES & SKILLS STRENGTH Athletics (1)+3 +6 CONSTITUTION Endurance (3)+5 +8 DEXTERITY Acrobatics (3)+5 +3 Stealth+3 Thievery+3 INTELLIGENCE Arcana (0)+2 History+4 Religion+2 WISDOM Dungeoneering (1)+3 Heal+3 Insight+3 Nature+3 Perception+3 CHARISMA Bluff (0)+2 Diplomacy+2 Intimidate+9 Streetwise+2 DEFENSES Armor Class 21 Fortitude 15 Reflex 17 Will 15 TRAITS & FEATS Dragonborn Fury +1 to attacks while bloodied INITIATIVE +5 SPEED 5 VISION low light, normal LANGUAGES Common, Dragon HIT POINTS (Bloodied at 23) 47 HEALING SURGES (Value 17) TEMPORARY HIT POINTS Melee Basic Attackat-will Standard ActionMelee weapon Target: One creatureAttack: +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d8+3 damage Ranged Basic Attackat-will Standard ActionRanged weapon Target: One creatureAttack: +5 vs. AC Hit: 1d4+3 damage Minor ActionClose burst 3 Target: One creature In the burst Effect: You mark the target until you use this power again or until the end of the encounter Psionic Augment 1 Target: One or two creatures in the burst 1 Blurred Stepat-will Free Action Trigger: An adjacent enemy marked by you shifts Effect: You teleport to any square adjacent to the triggering enemy Special: You can use this power only once per turn Mind Spikeat-will Immediate Reaction Target: the triggering enemy Trigger: An adjacent enemy marked by you deals damage to your ally with an attack that doesn’t include you as a target Effect: The target takes force and psychic damage equal to the damage that its attack dealt to your ally Battlemind’s Demandat-will PSIONIC DEFENSEBASIC ATTACK POWERS
EQUIPMENT HEAD / HELM NECK ARMS HANDS RING, OFF HAND RING, MAIN HAND WAIST Aecris MAIN HAND Shield of Bahamut OFF HAND / SHIELD ARMOR FEET Brand of Bahamut TATOO INVENTORY Aecris (longsword): +2d6 critical damage Abraxus Dragonborn Battlemind Male, Unaligned Level 5 3,395 XP Servant of Bahamut Known Languages: Common Draconic TREASURE
Psionic Augment 1 ATTACK POWERS – STANDARD ACTION Standard ActionClose blast 3 Target: One creatureAttack: +10 vs. AC you can see in blast Hit: 1d8+5 force damage and you push each enemy in the blast other than the target 1 square. Close burst 3 Target: One creatureAttack: +10 vs. AC you can see in blast Hit: 1d8+5 force damage and you push one enemy in the burst other than the target 1 square. Psionic Augment 2 Close blast 3 Target: One creatureAttack: +10 vs. AC you can see in blast Hit: 1d8+7 force damage and you knock the target prone. You push each enemy in the blast other than the target 1 square. 1 2 Standard ActionMelee weapon Target: One creatureAttack: +10 vs. REF Hit: 1d8+5 lightning damage and until the start of your next turn, the target takes 3 lightning damage whenever it hits one of your allies. (CON mod) Melee weapon Target: One creatureAttack: +10 vs. REF Hit: 1d8+5 lightning damage and the target also takes lightning damage whenever it shifts to a square adjacent to one of your allies. (CON mod) Psionic Augment 2 Melee weapon Target: One creatureAttack: +10 vs. REF Hit: 2d8+5 lightning damage and until the start of your next turn, the target takes 3 lightning damage whenever it hits one of your allies. (CON mod) 1 2 Standard ActionMelee weapon Target: One creatureAttack: +10 vs. AC Hit: 1d8+5 damage Effect: You shift 2 squares to a square adjacent to any enemy other than the target Melee weapon Target: One creatureAttack: +10 vs. AC Hit: 1d8+5 damage Effect: You shift your speed to a square adjacent to any enemy other than the target Psionic Augment 2 Melee weapon Target: One creatureAttack: +10 vs. AC Hit: 1d8+5 damage Effect: Make a charge attack against a creature other than the target. Movement made as part of the charge does not provoke opportunity attacks. 1 2 Accelerating Strikedaily Standard ActionMelee weapon Target: One creatureAttack: +10 vs. AC & you have CA Effect: Before the attack, you shift your speed. You can move through enemy spaces during this movement Hit: 2d8+5 damage and your movement does not provoke opportunity attacks from the target until the end of the encounter. Miss: Half damage Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 power bonus to speed. In addition, when you shift, you shift 1 extra square. Concussive Spikeat-will Conductive Defenseat-will Momentum Swingat-will Dragon Breathencounter Minor ActionClose blast 3 or Target: Each enemyburst 2 in 10 in blast or burstAttack: +7 vs. REF Hit: 1d6+3 fire or cold damage Effect: Allies in the targeted area gain +1 to attack rolls until the end of your next turn Persistent Harrierencounter Immediate ReactionMelee weapon Target: the triggering Attack: +10 vs. AC enemy Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with an attack for the first time during an encounter Special: You can attack the target with this melee attack even if the target is outside your melee reach Hit: 1d8+5 damage and you teleport to a square adjacent to the enemy Dimension Slideencounter Move ActionRanged 5 Target: You and 1 ally Effect: You slide one target 1 square and teleport the other target 3 squares OTHER POWERS Shield of Bahamutdaily Standard ActionMelee implement Target: You and an adjacent ally Effect: You and an adjacent ally gain resist 10 to all damage until the end of your next turn. Aecrisdaily Free ActionMelee weapon Target: Personal Effect: When you drop an undead enemy to 0 hit points, you gain 1 healing surge. Aspect of Unspeakable Horror daily Standard ActionMelee weapon Target: One creatureAttack: +10 vs. AC Hit: 1d8+5 dmg plus 1d12 psychic dmg Miss: Half damage Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +5 power bonus to Intimidate checks and you can use the following augment with your at-will powers. Augment 1: Keyword: Fear Effect: Each target of the at-will attack takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn