Rodger Hess ScienceDMZ Switch Multiple 10 GE connections to CENIC’s HPR Network OpenFlow Including GENI Support Performance Measurement and Monitoring, PerfSONAR, Web10G Staffing in Support of Researchers in the Use of the Network Undergraduate Student Involvement Augment Data Center January 7, 2014
Description and Location Science DMZ –Network Operations Center –Co-located with CENIC backbone node Measurement Tools (project funded) –Network Operations Center Measurement Tools (campus funded) Primary Production Border Secondary Production Border Campus Data Center Remote Data Center
Science DMZ Architecture
Deployment Milestones Augment ScienceDMZ - 5 Months Implement 10GE Wide Area Circuits to Science DMZ - 5 Months Implement PerfSONR and Web10G - 7 Months Create SDN/OpenFlow Environment - 10 Months Personnel –Research Support Staff Member - 5 Months –Graduate Student Involvement - 3 Months –Undergraduate Student Involvement - 3 Months –Develop support services for researchers Months –Augment Data Center Connectivity - 3 Months
Campus GENI Involvement Sean Peisert, adjunct assistant professor, Dept. of Computer Science - GENI Projects Office project 1792 –GENI Projects Office project 1792 –The Hive Mind: Applying a Distributed Security Sensor Network to GENI Matt Bishop, professor, Dept. of Computer Science (with Dr. Carrie Gates of CA Labs, Inc. and Dr. Jeffrey Hunker of JHA Associates) –GENI Projects Office project 1776 –Attribution for GENI