FLIGHT HOUR PROGRAM (FHP) LCDR Brandon “Maggie” Simpson LCDR Dave “Lanezies” Lane CNAP N40B1 CNAL N407
Agenda FHP Instructions FHP Organization and Functions FHP Requirement Development FHP Planning/Management Cost of War (OCO) Augments Reimbursable/Special Interest Hours Budget OPTAR Report Administrative Dollars (7F) Takeaways Contacts The idea is to provide you the “big picture” perspective of where your squadron fits in the FHP, and to reveal some of the “behind the scenes” information that isn’t always apparent at the Operational Level.
What Instructions govern this? OPNAVINST 3000 Overall framework of FRP COMNAVAIRFORINST 3510 Aircraft Standards Contains matrix for each TMS Hours taken from T&R Matrix Guidance in Messages FY Guidance at the beginning of the FY Each grant and augment message contains guidance COMNAVAIRLANTINST 7310 BOR Format How you can use 7F How you pay for fuel (7B) COMNAVAIRLANT 7310 was last signed in 1999 but is still valid.
FHP Organization & Function Commander, Naval Force Pacific (CNAP) Commander, Naval Force Atlantic (CNAL) Commander VADM Shoemaker Commander RADM Haley Requirements CNAP N8 Gary Leaman Training & Readiness CNAP N40 CAPT “Chaser” Keithley Comptroller CNAP N01F Clint Miles Comptroller CNAL N01FE Mike Denning Readiness CNAL N40 CDR Brent “Stretch” Blackmer FHP Requirements CNAP N8C1 LCDR Rai "Who Dat" St. Julien Budgeting/FO Requirement (619) 545-2455 FHP Manager CNAP N40B1 LCDR Brandon “Maggie” Simpson FHP Hour Requirement/ CNAP Hour Execution (619) 545-4336 FHP Execution CNAP N01F3 CDR Dan “Dump" Truckenbrod CNAP Dollar Execution (619) 545-2737 FHP Manager CNAL N407 LCDR Dave “Lanezies” Lane CNAL Hour Execution (757) 836-8236 FHP Requirement Analysis CNAP N8W Tony “Pops” Papapietro (619) 545-4552 FHP Execution Analyst CNAP N40B1A Matthew Delbruegge (619) 545 - 3883 CNAP Budget Analyst CNAP N01F32 LSC Melvin Trampe Fuel (7B) / Flight Admin (7F) (619) 545- 2799 CNAL Budget Analyst CNAL N407A Ms. Cathy Austin Fuel (7B)/Flight Admin (7F) (757) 836-8235 4
FHP Organization & Function Purpose: Develop CNAF’s Flying Hour Plan to meet GFM schedule and COCOM requirements for aviation assets. Participate in Congressional (POM) Budget development Formulate and provide FHP Requirements throughout FYDP for annual POM budget development process Work directly with PACFLT, USFF, OPNAV and FMB Monitor current FY program execution Make Flight Hour / Funding adjustments commensurate w/emergent requirements and GFM schedule changes Funding Priorities 1. Deployed Readiness 2. FRS/CNATRA 3. Homeguard Readiness FYDP: Future Years Defense Program FMB:
FHP Requirement Development GFMAP – Global Force Management Allocation Plan Chaired by JCS and is a DoD process Held once per year Typically February Translates COCOM presence requirements into ship and expeditionary squadron schedules Adjudicated requirement by OPNAV N3 with JCS Final approval lies with SECDEF MAP – Master Aviation Plan Released twice per year Usually June and December Started to plan for transitions and was expanded for all schedules Translates the GFMAP ship schedule into CVW & EXP schedules Provides roadmap for squadron transitions & CVW / CVN assignments Final approval lies with CNAF FADM---new term for GFMAP?
FHP Requirement Development OFRP – Optimized Fleet Response Plan Building block approach to CVW readiness that supports the FRP Four phases: maintenance, basic, integrated, sustain Nominally 36 months in duration Current readiness standards use a 27 month profile GFM / MAP schedule dictates actual R / D month assignment Current year schedule changes
Programming to the GFM Requirement Notional FRP Profile R+months align entitlements to GFM schedule
FRP Notional Profiles Individual T/M/S Fleet Readiness Training Program (FRTP) profiles are based on community T&R Matrix requirements and derive flight hour programming Profiles are NOTIONAL GFM schedule dictates actual R+month assignment to align entitlements to FRP requirements Baseline FRTP funding Support hour requirement fully captured and funded (MESH) Contingency and national/multi-national exercises not specifically funded. Must be absorbed within baseline allocation unless augment provided FY07 Impact Deployment Basic Integrated Sustain Maintenance
FHP Cost Breakdown TACAIR (~50% of USN FHP Budget) TACAIR (CVW, P-3, VAQ Exp, VFA UDP, HSM, HSC) GFM Schedule / COCOM demand FRTP phased readiness/ FDNF Requirement FRS (~20% of USN FHP Budget) NAPP IPP Actual Student Throughput Requirement FAS (~10% of USN FHP Budget) Fleet Air Support (VRC, HM, VQ, VPU, VX, SAR) Operational Schedule Historic Utilization Rate RESFOR (~10% of USN FHP Budget) CNATRA (~10% of USN FHP Budget) Note: NSAWC included in FRS funding account (Schedule B) NAPP IPP: Naval Aviator Production Plan Integrated Production Plan
(CVW, VP, Exp Helo, Exp VAQ) FHP Cost Breakdown Full FHP USN FHP FHP to support GFM $4.6B 63% $2.2B 30% $0.5B 7% Reserves USMC USN $2.2B 30% $0.5B 7% $0.7B 10% CNATRA FRS FO TACAIR/ ASW FAS (CVW, VP, Exp Helo, Exp VAQ) $2.2B 30% TACAIR/ ASW POM 15 Requirement Numbers FO (Flight Other):TAD, Commercial Air Services, Simulators, Transportation of Things, ADP, IMRL, FACSFAC *Little latitude ($) in FO, CNATRA, FRS, and FAS (VRC, TACAMO, VQ, VPU, HM) . . . CNAF’s discretion is limited to reductions in readiness While FHP is a $7.3B program . . . . . .Navy’s share is $4.6B . . . CNATRA/FRS cuts reduces readiness (e.g., T-Notch) FO largely fixed cost, “must pay” bills FAS supports theater demand Only small portion of FHP available to mitigate reduced funding impacts
FHP Cost Breakdown . . . for a typical Air Wing FA 45% FM 15% FF 39% FW <1% Contracts (FW) 100% fixed cost. Labor contracted to sustain aircraft. Cost is not recoverable and is lost in year of execution. Fuel (FF) 100% variable cost. Reduce flying, reduce cost. Consumables (FM) Items used to sustain or repair aircraft. Reduce flying, reduce most cost. Residual cost incurred as periodic maintenance is performed. Repairables/AVDLR (FA) Aircraft components that are repaired and returned to the supply system. Reduce flying, reduce costs. Residual cost incurred as periodic maintenance is performed. Total CPH (OP-20 v3512): FA-18C: $ 11,258 MH-60R: $ 3,908 E-2C: $8,684 P-3C: $6,343 FA-18E: $ 9,240 MH-60S: $ 3,106 E-2D: $ 4,722 P-8A: $4,916 FA-18F: $ 9,658 MH-53E: $16,557 C-2A: $8,466
FHP Management GFM Schedule drives the Flight Hour Requirement Flight Hours generate Readiness (not $$) Funding tied to T&R Matrix and specific FRTP profile Buying Readiness thru Flight Hour execution Every sortie counts Hours execution is the primary goal, funding follows “Either you run out of money…” “Or you give back money…” CNAL will adjust as required Fuel CPH is just a small slice of the pie (~40%) CNAL gets briefed on readiness and hours execution, not how much money is in the 7B account
How do I come up with the Hours? Hours = [(#Crews)(100%T&R)]R-month% + [(Total MESH)(#Crews)] MESH = Mission Essential Support Hours Ashore MESH = 1 Afloat MESH T/M/S specific Major at sea evolutions
How do I come up with the Hours? Hours = [(#Crews)(100%T&R)]R-month% + [(Total MESH)(#Crews)]
How do I come up with the Hours? Hours = [(17)(100%T&R)]R-month% + [(Total MESH)(17)]
How do I come up with the Hours? Hours = [(17)(27.0)]R-month% + [(Total MESH)(17)]
How do I come up with the Hours? R+2, R+3, R+4 Hours = [(17)(27.0)]R-month% + (Total MESH)
How do I come up with the Hours? R+2, R+3, R+4 Hours = [(17)(27.0)]50% + (Total MESH)
How do I come up with the Hours? R+2, R+3, R+4 Hours = [(17)(27.0)]50% + (Total MESH)
How do I come up with the Hours? R+2, R+3, R+4 Hours = [(17)(27.0)]50% + (17) = 246.5 hrs Hours = [(#Crews)(100%T&R)]R-month% + [(Total MESH)(#Crews)] MESH = Mission Essential Support Hours Ashore MESH = 1 Afloat MESH T/M/S specific Major at sea evolutions Total Quarterly Grant = 246.5 + 246.5 + 246.5 = 740 hrs
If you’re entitled to OCO, you will get an augment* Cost of War Augments Cost of War is now OCO (Overseas Contingency Operations) OCO hours flown over the funded baseline will be reimbursed Ensure early coordination with operational commanders to protect baseline training requirements Timely submission of OCO augment request Request can be via email Augment will come via message Baseline hours are available for training – as long as you can meet your operational commitments Readiness degradations acceptable ONLY if you didn’t have time or capacity to train all capabilities (single mission focus, NMC, etc.) OCO = Overseas Contingency Operations (the new politically correct term for “Cost of War”) If you’re entitled to OCO, you will get an augment*
OCO message traffic is released AFTER baseline grant The OCO Process Non-CVW: Contact USNAVCENT FHP Manager LCDR Mark “Blomer” Blomer, C5F FOPS USNAVCENT FHP Manager releases an authorization message CNAL N407 concurs and releases augment to quarterly grant CVW: CVW FHP Manager gather squadron requirements Submit total CVW requirements through C5F to CNAL N407 OCO message traffic is released AFTER baseline grant
BOR Reports the following FY15 Financial Reporting Due Dates Hours 7B Dollars (Fuel) 7F Dollars (Admin) Gallons Special Interest Hours Reimbursable Hours Remarks FY15 Financial Reporting Due Dates MSG DTG 011257Z OCT 14
Special Interest Hours OEF-A - OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM-AFGHANISTAN OEF-HOA - OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM-HORN OF AFRICA OEF-PI - OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM-PHILIPPINE ISLANDS OEF-T - OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM-THEATRE**** OIR – OPERATION INHERENT RESOLVE Other as directed by CNAP/CNAL (Ex: Haiti relief) WTI/Staff hours (CVW Staff, Type Wing Staff, CSG-4) Your OPS-O’s “should” know about this and how to track it. Reported on BOR for tracking purposes
WTI’s and Staff hrs do not count against you. WTI, Staff Hours Reimbursable Hours/Special Interest Hours WTI requirements essential for ACTC qualifications, Advanced tactical readiness CVW Staff hours assist in execution of CSG operational requirements (70 hrs/mo) WTI, Staff FHP requirements executed by Fleet Assets WTI, Staff hours become “reimbursable” only after 100% execution has been obtained Example: Sqdn Qtrly allocation = 1000 hrs WTI, Staff flies 50 hrs in sqdn a/c Sqdn has flown 990 hrs w/ 1 week remaining in QTR Sqdn funding can be increased to cover up to 1050 hrs (will be adjusted to cover actual execution above 1000 hrs) Report all reimbursable/special interest hours on BOR TAKE AWAY: WTI, STAFF hours don’t count against you, so FLY THEM. In fact, they can help you. In the example above, let’s say the squadron closes the quarter having only flown 950 hours by its own squadron personnel. This would show an under-execution, however, since they have also used their aircraft to fly 50 WTI and/or CVW Staff hours, the total execution against their FHP is 1000 hrs (or 100% execution) WTI’s and Staff hrs do not count against you.
= FYTD Gallons/ FYTD hrs BOR 32. NOV 2008 33. NOV 2008 34. TEC A B C AMAH INTO 0 23289 AMAH JP-5 7946 581081 AMAH JP-8 0 176318 AMAH JP-5A 188895 188895 AMAH JP-8A 13332 13332 AMAH TOTAL 210173 982915 35. N/A 36. N/A 37. LAST FIRST, RANK, MCO EMAIL: FIRST.LAST(AT)NAVY.MIL (ASKIT7.1.1) 38. REMARKS: 39A. CONSUMPTION RATES: TEC BUD GPH MO GPH MO VAR FYTD GPH FYTD VAR SQDRN AMAH 1,226.5 1,237.7 0% 1,239.4 1% 39B. FYTD CPG RECONCILIATION: TEC CALCULATED DELTA COMM SQDRN AMAH B 3,709,153.86 N/A N/A 39C. COST PER HOUR: TEC MONTH FYTD SQDRN AMAH 3,179.16 4,677.37 40. REIMBURSABLE/SPECIAL INTEREST HOURS: A. REIMBURSABLE B C D B. SPECIAL INTEREST A B C D CVW-1 AMAH 17.3 19.3 SFWSL AMAH 4.3 29.7 = MO Gallons/ MO hrs 1. Monthly Hours (27): 169.8 2. FYTD Hours (28): 793.0 3. 7B Value (30): $539,822.27 4. 7B Value (22): $3,709,153.86 = MO GPH/ BUD GPH = FYTD Gallons/ FYTD hrs Consumption Rates = FYTD GPH/ BUD = 7B Value (30)/ MO hrs = 7B Value (22)/ FTYD hrs
MANIPULATION OF RECIEPTS AND/OR RECORDS Admin Dollars Monitor 7F Dollars Grants/Augments Spending 1A v 2A Purchase cards Supply (NSN requisitions) DRMO (if applicable) UNICOR/Self Help (if applicable) Existing GSA contracts Open Commercial Purchase 7F Occurrences TYPEWING (2003) – Criminal Misconduct TACAIR (2012) – Criminal Misconduct TACAIR (2012) – Violation of rules/regulations as a result of actual and/or perceived pressure from the CoC Other FHP related occurrences DTS Fraud – Criminal Misconduct Travel Order Manipulation – CO Reprimanded Unit Commanding Officers as OPTAR holders shall plan fund utilization in a manner that ensures an economic/equitable investment of funds to accomplish the day-to-day operation, maintenance, and administrative requirements of the squadron. COMMON THREAD MANIPULATION OF RECIEPTS AND/OR RECORDS
Takeaways Execution Essentials Execute to the funded HOURS…let us manage the dollars (7B) Direct correlation: Funding >> Hours >> Readiness CPH fluctuations will be adjusted to ensure total HOURS requirement is fully funded and executable Fuel expense minimal compared to overall program Advice for OPSOs Contact CNAF through COC early in reimbursable hour situations! If someone volunteers to ‘pay for your hours’ – remember that it is not simply fuel cost You cannot over-fly your quarterly allotment without prior approval of CNAL Execution Essentials Fly your hours to defend future budgets Forward issues up the COC early!
NIPR SharePoint Site https://cpf.portal.navy.mil/sites/cnap/N40/FHP/default.aspx
SIPR SharePoint Site http://cffo.fleetforces.navy.smil.mil/comnavairfor/N40/FHP/default.aspx
QUESTIONS? CNAP FHP CNAL FHP LCDR Brandon Simpson brandon.l.simpson@navy.mil brandon.l.simpson@navy.smil.mil Comm: (619) 545-4345 DSN 735-4345 CNAL FHP LCDR Dave Lane david.f.lane@navy.mil david.f.lane@navy.smil.mil Comm: (757) 836-8236: (757) 322-3321 DSN 262-3321