Peer Advisory Groups Nathan Anderson Damona Doye Leland McDaniel
Why producers are interested Outside perspective from peers Objectivity Overcoming blind spots Sounding board Different strengths Building better management Vision Support Networking Cooperative projects, needs-based training Accountability
Characteristics of a peer group member Ready to share all necessary details of the business Progressive and forward thinking Patient, respectful, trustworthy Able to be challenged and accept criticism Capacity to listen objectively and communicate skillfully Decision-making authority Open to change Willing to make a commitment to the group
Why Extension might be interested Opportunity to serve clientele Improve needs assessment Facilitate change Focus to programming Document change Augment existing educational programs Increase profits, decrease losses
Programs to which it could be an extension Master Cattleman, Master Gardeners Annie’s Project, women in ag conferences Producers with specific interests Beginning Organic No-till Large (or small) Commodity-specific groups Management groups – litter, prescribed burn
Range of models Family Business Institute Meet 2x per year for 2.5 days at host company site Required attendance Leave with high impact list of 5-6 items on which to act 90 day check in between meetings High Plains Dairy Consultant centered 6-8 dairies Meet 4-6 times per year Idea sharing Metrics Touring Group purchases Speakers
Range of models Non-profit with 50 year history leading to 200 CREA groups Promote technological and managerial development Improve business efficiency Activities beyond an individual’s abilities 8-12 members + 1 advisor Meet monthly Consensus decisions AACREA/Argentina
What is needed? Safety Confidentiality Chemistry Structure Scheduling and logistics Ground rules and agendas Commitment Support Facilitator
Structure Number of members? 5-10, 8-12 producers? By invitation? Degree of similarity? Geographic dispersion? Frequency and length of meetings? Format of meetings?
Practices Goals – specific or broad Attendance Confidentiality Facilitation Meeting conduct Evaluation
Focus Education and skill development Production Financial Introspection Cooperative buying or selling Organizational management Marketing Employee management
Activities Farm tours Invited speakers On-farm demonstrations Field research trials Production record review and critique Financial record review and critique Whole farm analysis
Group dynamics Forming Storming Norming Performing Transforming
Discussion groups as an alternative Ground rules Decision-making methods Closed versus open membership Informal versus formal
Obstacles Getting started Getting rolling Getting useful
Extension Educator role Initiator Host Facilitator Marketer Spectator Participant Resource Advisor