USTRANSCOM J5/4 LMARS Usage Use of LMARS data – Measure distribution performance: Document Date to SSA receipt (D6S/DRA) – Measure enterprise level distribution performance as the Distribution Process Owner (DPO) Improve DOD distribution process (Logistics Response Time) thru distribution performance management Improve consistency and reliability of forward distribution service to geographical Combatant Commands – Coordinate enterprise improvements LRT File from DLA Transaction Services to build the Strategic Distribution Database (SDDB) – DLA DORRA receives and integrates the LMARS, MIS, MPH, and other files monthly – This product is used to measure the enterprise level distribution performance LMARS Reports – None at this time
USTRANSCOM J5/4 LMARS Enhancements Wish List # 1 Make LMARS the official data source for DOD distribution performance measurement – Need single data source accessible by all of DOD…eg. single version of the truth to enable the Joint Supply Chain Architecture Framework (JSCA) CWT, POF, TSCMC Data necessary at transaction level to drill down to lowest level for root cause – DOD does not have a single data source for measuring distribution…multiple versions (e.g. SDDB) – Common perspectives…unity of effort…senior leaders clearly see the issues – Reduce duplicate/stovepiped/local “data marts”
USTRANSCOM J5/4 LMARS Enhancements Wish List #2 Real-time LRT and CWT data – Use real-time information to make structural changes to improve End to End performance – Criticality of change High – Benefit Fix problems as they occur – Projected savings Reduced CWT, shipment cost, and stocking levels Improved responsive to our Customers
USTRANSCOM J5/4 LMARS Enhancements Wish List #3 Include supplemental data in LMARS – Transportation (GATES, iSDDC, RFID, EDI, etc) – Distribution (DSS) – Discrepancy reports (to measure POF) – Cost data: Activity cost (e.g. rate) based on storage, consolidation, transportation – Criticality of change High – Benefit Include cost at transaction level Enable balanced metrics – speed and cost – Projected savings See opportunities for efficiencies
USTRANSCOM MIS/DSS GSA MPH/GBL WPS & WPS & IBS-CSS PAT GATES DAASC/LCAV CTASC/LIW RFID/ITV TCSP-E DSS DAASC/LMARS (DLA) DAASC/LMARS (DLA) Logistics Response Time Logistics Response Time Strategic Distribution Database (SDDB) DORRA Maintained After the SDDB Data has been processed and requisitions are assigned to IDL routes TCJ5- SAM create pivot tables to provide action officers analysis capability. As part of this process we translate some of the codes and provide additional information (Over/Outsize, Hazardous, Day of Week, Commodity, Special Handling, etc…). We continue to look for additional data sources to validate and augment the existing data structure. GDSS
USTRANSCOM J5/4 LMARS Usage Use of LMARS data – [Explain how your Component uses the LMARS data – e.g., monitoring performance, corrective actions, incorporation into other metrics databases] LRT File from DLA Transaction Services – [Do you get this file and what do you do with it] LMARS Reports – [Which ones do you use and how]
USTRANSCOM J5/4 LMARS Enhancements Wish List [Identify top two enhancements you need to have in LMARS] – [Criticality of change] – [What is the gap to be filled] – [How will the enhancement benefit you] – [Any projected savings by implementing this enhancement]