Environmentally Aware: Kids Care! EPL (Environmental Project-based Learning)
Expanding the four walls of the classroom through Distance Learning Video conferencing PORTS:Crystal Cove Video Conference
Community Out-reach Programs Beach Investigation Beach Clean- up I Love a Clean San Diego Presentation
Students work on posters to post around campus to spread the word. Students followed the guidelines of the San Diego Water district.
2008 SONY Environmental Expo Students were invited to attend Sony’s annual Environmental Expo. This event served as inspiration, motivation and background knowledge for current PSAs in production. Click here to view the Rainforest Deforestation Newscast.
Utilizing prior knowledge and new learning through Cable Programming, On-line resources and videos students collaborate to synthesize their learning while making a new video.
Students use video production to create PSAs. Pinnacle Studio software and the use of the green screen augment the editing process. Students wrote the scripts, acted them out, filmed, and edited the public service announcements about our impact on our environment and our local ocean and beaches.
Public Service Announcements Public Service Announcement (Nobles)- Keep SD Beaches Clean! Public Service Announcement (Marks)-Be Aware and Care! Click on the play button above to watch the video. Click on the play button above to watch the video (Internet connection is required).
A Comparison: How do Media Rich Classes compare with others on statewide testing?
Background Havena Marks and Amanda Nobles’ classes created videos, participated in video conferences, and had regular access to Cable and On-line resources last year. Note the difference in the performance of their students who had experienced learning with media rich support and opportunity Marks/ Nobles 2nd. graders- 29% Caucasian /71% Non-white (Asian 52%, Middle Eastern 18%, Pilipino.5 % and African American.5 %)
Adobe Bluffs Elementary staff training in Video Conferencing and the California State Parks PORTS Program. Video conferences are now scheduled throughout the year at all grade levels. Mrs. Marks and Mrs. Nobles 2/3 Multiage Classes are featured in December 2008 "Cable in the Classroom" magazine. Click here to read article. Click here to view Crystal Cove PORTS Video Conference on Teacher Tube