Business Process Modeling in Microsoft Visio® Interfacing’s BPMN Modeler: Overview
Modeling & Navigating Here, process owners, analysts and coordinators create and update processes and their links to people, procedures, applications and other important entities. The following screen shots were taken from the process modeling page.
Mapping & Editor Intuitive Drag & Drop mapping capability
Mapping & Editor When a shape is dropped, the property editor opens-- used to capture all the details about that activity (performers, KPI, description, documents, goal, ect.).
Linking & Editor Easily link objects.
Linking & Editor When a link is dropped, the property editor opens -used to capture all the details about that link (input/output materials, quantity mins & maxs,ect.).
Organization Simple Drag & Drop is also used to build all the advanced pages as well (eg. Org. Roles, Resources, Materials, ect.).
Drill Down Capability Drill Down inside of processes and sub-processes to view the activities below (modeling with a top-down approach provides a true holistic view of your company).
Explorer Navigating The BPMN Modeler Explorer allows you to navigate up & down through your process hierarchy in a user friendly tree view.
Attach Documentation Attach relevant documentation to activities within your process (eg. Procedures, Forms, Regulations, direct links within a system, ect.).
Attach Documentation Provides users with the ability to standardize not only on their processes, but on the associated documentation as well.
The property editor allows you to quickly add details about all your activities rather than have to input each section whenever a shape is dropped on the map. It’s very quick to navigate in the hierarchy tree on the left, and enter details on the right side of the editor. Property Editor
Provide rules for your workflows to follow (also use these rules during export to simulation & analysis) Attach Accountability to tasks Capturing the Inputs/Outputs across activities & processes allows business users to understand what they need to start their task and what they need to produce.
Property Editor Capture advanced information about your process flows (export this information into Designer to run Simulations & Analysis)
Property Editor Assign reference materials to activities (eg. User Manual, Company handbook, ect.) Link reference files to activities (eg. forms, procedures, regulations, ect.)
Additional Features The following screen shots provide details of the additional features in the BPMN Modeler that augment the value of Visio as well as further simplifying functionality. The increased user-friendly features receive large acceptance among business users.
Import / Export Import/Export to CSV for: - Excel Reporting - Integration with other solutions
Auto – Layout Easy right-click the auto-layout to let the software do the work of placing your objects so that they appear clean and clear and the map (very efficient)
Utilities Setup custom standard formatting of your inter process & activity links (color, size, style, etc.) Important: make sure all users follow the same standard
Utilities NOTE: Keep information displayed on the map to a minimal (most important info– eg. Documents, performers), you do not want maps to become too cumbersome. BPMN Modeler saves the activity details behind each shape dynamically (no longer simply text), so users can easily check off what information they want displayed on the map, & what information they want to remain in the details panel.
Utilities Auto-renumber all process/activity sequences when changes are made to your model Auto-sequencing options allow you to define additional “non- numerical” sequencing standards (eg. Prefixes & Separators)
Utilities The auto-synchronize function allows you to more easily maintain your model, whenever objects are changed in the advanced scenario pages (eg. Roles, Resources, Materials, ect.) the synchronize function automatically updates those maps were these objects were referenced.
Options Users are able to customize their modeling preferences with many different user-friendly options
Print Manager Print Manager allows you to easily check off those maps within your process model/ framework which you wish to print Adjust (auto or manually) your map print-outs to properly fit multiple paper sizes
Flat Map The Flat Map feature exposes “explodes” all sub-processes (top-down approach), providing users the ability to generate an activity map from end to end of a process. *Great for Printing*
Auto – Swimlanes Auto-Generate Swimlane views at multiple levels with 1 click. Swimlane views allow your users to clearly see the functional/ departmental hand-off of a process from end-to-end.
Publish your Model The ability to publish your Process Model to the Web provides an entry point for business users to log-in and access their processes and related documentation (including: opening documents, viewing swimlanes & flatmaps, drill down,advanced scenario pages, ect.) The following are additional features available on the HTML (web) output of a BPMN Modeler model.
Process Hierarchy Jump to any processes within your hierarchy using the Go-to feature
Pan and Zoom Easily Zoom into a certain area of your map with the Pan & Zoom feature
Details Panel Click on any Activity/Process and view the details related to that task in the details panel
Search Users can search within their model to find the unknown whereabouts of an activity
Advanced Search The advanced search provides users the ability to search on different criteria related to their activity
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