Quick RDF Introduction Scott Streit
Terminology – RDF Triple (Also the triple form used in SPARQL) RDF Triple (Resource, Property, RDFNode) Also shown as (subject, predicate, object) Resource must be a URI (it is a subject and is always an ‘object property’ in the database) Property is a link from the Resource to an RDFNode The Property belongs to the Resource and references the RDFNode Property is either a ‘standard’ RDF value or one defined by our ontology RDFNode can be either A Resource (object property) A Literal (datatype property – sometimes referred to as a value) (URI, URI, URI or Literal) RDF Serialization Forms XML – a few ways to express triples NTriples – Generally preferred short-hand method N3 – one complete triple per line
Nodal View and Standard RDF Primitives Mammal Zebra Ontology (T-Box) Instances (A-Box) RDFS:subClassOf RDF:type RDF:label ‘Stripes’ KMDEV:Stripes KMDev:Location GeoLoc RDF:type 89N 84E … KMDEV:LL Zebra KMDev:LocType … …
Other Topics Reification – Knowledge about Knowledge RDF RDFS Famous Ontologies Dublin Core (Metadata) FOAF – Friend of a friend vCard – Electronic Business Cards SUMO, Dolce, CYC/UMBEL Wordnet Semantics on the Internet Twine – built on RDF Google “Cancer” -> Searches related to Cancer Wolfram Alpha Evri SPARQL – Semantic Protocol and RDF Query Language
Other Details Ontology building tools Jena – in code Protégé TopBraid Composer Swoop, … Inference/reasoners Proper subset is strongest capability Closed world reasoning is not an option for most real problem spaces Datatype vs Object properties Domain and Range Sharing RDF Dump Linked Data SPARQL Endpoint