A Next-Generation Sequencing Core Facility DNA and RNA sequencing capabilities of
Denny Porter, Director Steven Coon, Staff Scientist Alan Pang, Lab Supervisor James Iben, Bioinformatics
ABI SOLiD 5500xl
Whole exome (PDEGEN) Targeted exome (PRAE) RNA-Seq (PDEGEN, PGD) Microbiome (PDEGEN, PRAE) Methylome (PGD) microRNA-Seq (PDEGEN) Ribosomal profiling (PGD) ChIP-Seq (PGD)
2 FlowChips, 6 lanes each Up to 1.8 billion fragments per run Up to 200 Gigabases per run
For example: Target 150 genes covering 500,000 bases Barcode and run 96 samples on one lane Expected average coverage is >150-fold For example: RNA-Seq Barcode and run 3 samples on one lane Average >40 million read pairs per sample
Fee for service – pay per sample & per lane Reagent costs only Includes significant bioinformatics support
All MGL sequencing projects Maraia (PGD) – RNA-Seq, WGS, codon bias Clark (PGD) – ChIP-Seq Crouch (PGD) – WGS & assembly Kino (PRAE) - WES Levin (PCRM) - Integration analysis Ozato (PGD) - ChIP-seq Weinstein (PGD) – Methylome, WGS, WES Hinnebusch (PCRM) - Ribosome profiling, ChIP- Seq Porter (PDEGEN) – RNA-Seq, WES, microbiome Stratakis (PDEGEN) – WES, WGS Bailey-Wilson [NHGRI] - Recalling & mining of variant data
Application process (8-member committee) * Number of Applications: 18 (18 PIs) * Number of Programs: 7 (PDEGEN[5], PGD[5], OSD[3], PRAE[1], MMP[1], PDN[1], PPD[1]) * Sequencing types: 7 (RNA-Seq alone[8], microRNA-Seq[3], whole exome[3], RNA-Seq + ribosomal profiling[1], RNA-Seq + ChIP-Seq[1], bisulfite sequencing (RRBS)[1], microbiome[1] * Total funding requested: $346,000 * Number of Applications Funded: 9 (9 PIs; 4 Programs) * Sequencing types: 6 * Total subsidized: $150,000
Meetings: 3 rd Wednesday of the month from 12:00-1:00 in Bldg 10/Rm
Website: mgl.nichd.nih.gov List serv: MGL-USERS-L Phone: Walk-in: Bldg 10/Rm 9D41