Background Information Born December 8 th, 1942 in Bastrop Louisana 13 other brothers and sisters in Bobs family 2 Fathers First father left when Bob was young Stepfather was abusive Bob lived with Grandma most of childhood Nicknamed Butterbean after his favorite food K-12 education and went to college Football(High School) Basketball Public Speaker Still living today
Accomplishments Overcame stuttering problem after NBA career Dealt with a abusive stepfather Had a outstanding basketball career
Qualities Well mannered Big thinker and did what he wanted to succeed in with all his Good Public Speaker
Bob and the Bulls Jersey retired for Chicago Bulls-#10 Coach Oscar helped him a lot of his career
Sources Continued Slide One: Bob_Love Bob_Love Slide Two: I/AAAAAAAAGhE/34I70PpHxpI/s1600/BOB+LOVE+2.jpg I/AAAAAAAAGhE/34I70PpHxpI/s1600/BOB+LOVE+2.jpg Slide Three: Slide Four: Slide Five: ve2.jpg