P6 Meet The Parents Briefing 2015 Welcome to Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School
Mrs Han Lee Kwang Vice-Principal Mdm Thong Hoi Non Principal Ms Teo Xiwen HOD MTL Mr Kamala Durai SH Pastoral Care Mdm Seah Chin Yi SH Aesthetics Ms Goh Seok Luan HOD Science Mdm See Soo Peng HOD CCE Ms Suriyanti bte Said SH ML/NE Mr Steven Lim LH Science (Int) Mr Eric Wu LH Math Ms Inderjeet Kaur LH EL Mdm Diana Foo SH ICT / MRL Ms Fanny Cheong SH PAL / Student Leadership Mr Hatta HOD/ICT Our Management Team Ms Elsie Kwan HOD PE / CCA Mdm Yang Tzy Shing Year Head Mdm Sharon SSD Mr Eric Lim (AM) Mr Nada (OM)
DESIRED AIPS STUDENT OUTCOMES Respectful, Resilient and Responsible leader Self-Directed learner Concerned and Active Citizen DESIRED AIPS STUDENT OUTCOMES Respectful, Resilient and Responsible leader Self-Directed learner Concerned and Active Citizen
A caring school that provides quality learning experiences for every child to develop good character, pursue academic excellence and acquire life skills for the future. School Mission
C ontinuous Learning E xcellence I ntegrity R espect I nnovation G ratitude School Values
School Directions S CHOOL CULTURE Enhance overall tone and culture 2.T EACHING AND L EARNING Levelling up our teaching and learning capabilities 3.Q UALITY EXPERIENCE OF STUDENTS Character and Citizenship Education inculcating values and building competencies
PSLE – A Placement Test - To reflect the relative achievement level of pupils within their peers - Places pupils into different courses according to their academic ability - Enables posting to secondary schools by merit and as far as possible into a school of their choice
The PSLE Aggregate Score - Incorporates performance of pupils in all 4 subjects - It is not a sum of raw scores
Why can’t the raw score be used? - Different subjects have different levels of difficulty - So are the spread of marks from the average mark, i.e. the standard deviation - The raw mark obtained in the exam only shows how good the pupil is in that subject, not how good he is as compared to others
Transformed Score (T-score) - gives the relative position of a pupil’s performance as compared to the performance of all other pupils in that subject - Formula - Pupil’s mark for the subject - Average mark (mean ) scored by pupils by all pupils - Spread of marks around the average mark (Standard Deviation)
KINDNESS AND HAPPINESS Be kind and you will be happy Be Happy and you will be kind AIPS: A H APPY S CHOOL
School life Is a marathon
Work with and support the teachers Don’t undermine the teachers in school Work Closely & Constructively with the School
Teachers also need affirmation and encouragement - Send appreciation s - Thank you note - Share with them positive things they have done Work Closely & Constructively with the School
It is always about the pupils! Our Philosophy : It takes a whole village to raise a child Our Appeal: If there are lapses, please show understanding. Provide feedback and give us your inputs, we will respond Our Appeal
Tel: Fax: Pupil Handbook Form Teacher, Dept Head Assistant Year Head – Mr Steven Lim Year Head – Mdm Yang Tzy Shing Communication