Cum Laude Graduates - Helping Create a Culture of High Expectations Woodstock High School Corey Tafoya Sandra Theriault
Cum Laude Graduation Who are we?
Cum Laude Graduation Who are we? continued
Cum Laude Graduation Who are we? continued – HSTW School – Key Practices: Creating a Culture of High Expectations
Cum Laude Graduation How do you create a culture of success? How do you raise the bar for everyone? This idea is transferrable.
Cum Laude Graduation WHS Five-Year Goal Plan created in – Attendance – Stakeholder Satisfaction – Academic Achievement
Cum Laude Graduation Created to define our definition of the ideal grad
Cum Laude Graduation How did we create/design this? Steven Covey— “Start with the end in mind”.
Cum Laude Graduation 8 Criteria – meet or exceed standards on all sections of the PSAE test or exhibit PLAN to ACT test score growth – participate in one sport, club, or activity during high school career – demonstrate community involvement – earn at least 260 credits during high school career – earn a 2.50 GPA or higher – be a good citizen: no suspensions or good conduct violations – maintain a 95% attendance rate during both junior and senior years – compete at least one capstone course, as identified within each department, or one Advanced Placement course
Cum Laude Graduation How did it work?
Cum Laude Graduation Year #1 06/0710.3%
Cum Laude Graduation Year #2 06/0710.3% 07/0812.0%
Cum Laude Graduation Year #3 06/0710.3% 07/0812.0% 08/0922.5%
Cum Laude Graduation Year #4 06/0710.3% 07/0812.0% 08/0922.5% 09/1028.8%
Cum Laude Graduation Year #5
Cum Laude Graduation Unintended Benefits
Cum Laude Graduation Unintended Benefits continued
Cum Laude Graduation Unintended Benefits continued
Cum Laude Graduation Unintended Benefits continued
Cum Laude Graduation Effect on school and community
Cum Laude Graduation Culture of High Expectations? How do your students know what you want from them?
Cum Laude Graduation SREB, HSTW “Skills for a Lifetime— Teaching Students the Habits of Success” – Teaching Habit 5—Set goals and make plans to reach them. – Teaching Habit 6—Access resources needed to achieve goals.
Cum Laude Graduation Interested? Tips from WHS