brand-new-short-film brand-new-short-film Example Silver Case Studies What is it worth?
Silver brand-new-short-film brand-new-short-film Example Silver Case Studies What is it worth?
Silver Silver Arts Award, a Level 2 qualification, has two units – Unit 1: arts practice and Unit 2: arts leadership. Doing Silver involves achieving an arts challenge, reviewing arts events, researching artists and arts organisations, and delivering an arts leadership project with other people. Young people need to plan their work with an adviser and keep a record by creating their own Arts Award portfolio. Young people can pick their own style of portfolio – this could be a diary, video, website blog – or something different altogether. Silver has been designed for young people aged 14 to 25. There are no entry requirements or set time limit for completing Silver Arts Award. It usually takes young people around 60 hours to complete their Silver award.
Silver Unit 1 – Arts Practice At Silver level, Unit 1 is about planning, achieving and reviewing a personal challenge in the arts, as well as exploring arts practice and pathways. Young people explore their chosen art form and find out how to enjoy it within their community. Young people will cover three areas: Arts challenge Young people set themselves an arts challenge in their chosen arts activity – anything from choreography to printmaking, music production to theatre. It can be something they have never done before or it can be a way of extending themselves in something they already do. The young people will plan and review their achievements, and show their progress through their portfolio. Arts events Young people attend live arts events like shows, exhibitions, festivals or events; review them and share their opinions with others through newsletters, websites, or presentations. Arts research Young people find out about arts activities in their area and beyond by getting involved, or by interviewing people. They also research arts training opportunities and jobs, to help them consider what they can do in the future.
Silver Unit 2 – Arts Leadership In Unit 2, young people plan and carry out an arts project. This unit is all about leadership, and the project may be anything from organising an event as part of a team, running clubs or workshops, to passing on skills to others. To complete the arts leadership unit, young people need to: Plan Prepare their arts leadership project by working out its purpose, and taking care of practical issues. Do Deliver their project, showing effective leadership and an ability to work with others. Review Collect feedback, and review the project with input from audience and participants. Young people’s arts leadership unit can be achieved by working as a team as well as on their own, however they will need to show evidence of their own leadership role.
Silver Find out more. Look at these websites for information and inspiration: Jot down some ideas for your Unit 1 personal arts challenge.