“The Liminal Role of the Research University President” Teresa A. Sullivan U.Va. President and George M. Kaufman Presidential Professor of Sociology
The increasing significance of the research university Declining institutional competitors for R&D Increased reliance on innovation for new economy Intense international competition and national security worries Declining opportunities for occupational inheritance
The climate of anxiety and fear accelerated after 2008 Baby Boomers and sense of personal insecurity Job security Pension security Access to health care
Intergenerational anxiety “Is college worth it?” Unemployment rate with HS diploma: 8.3%. Weekly earnings: $652 Unemployment rate with BA: 4.5% Weekly earnings: $1,066 SOURCE: bls.gov
Employment and Marriage Unemployment rate for year olds: 13.1% Median age at first marriage: 29 for men, 27 for women, the highest age by far since 1890
Growing public sense of hardening stratification Income gap Mean income of lowest fifth of population declined by $320 from 2007 to 2011 to $11,239. Mean income of top 5% increased by $25K to $311,444 Lowest three quintiles dropped in nominal dollars, while top two quintiles increased
Hardening stratification of universities and of fields within universities Passion for rankings and metrics Increased anxiety to find a successful path for one’s children
Genuine changes in labor markets Substantial productivity improvements in the economy as a whole QI of 2013, output per hour = Real compensation per hour = Hours of all persons = 98.4
Growth of placeholder positions: post- docs, internships, contingent positions Steady decline of the traditional entry-level job The law school example The students' limited labor market information
The President’s role in this set of issues Value and values Curricular stand on the company of educated men and women Interpret the University as an organization