Life Balance Outline for the next hour: 1.Life Balance: Convention says… 2.Life Balance & Life Purpose 3.Defining YOUR Life Balance 4.My Life Balance: How do I get it?
Life Balance Fast-forward… Consider the following questions: 1.Do I feel like I am in charge of my life? 2.Do I sometimes feel like life is happening to me and I’m spinning out of control? 3.Am I spending my time on the things that truly matter? 4.How open minded am I really? 5.Am I living a legacy?
Are you striving for balance? Is this the life you want?
Life Balance With absolutely perfect balance there is no movement. Life balanced with purpose creates astounding momentum. Pat Pillai: Founder Life College & eTV News Journalist
Life Balance Most people struggle with life balance simply because they haven't paid the price to decide what is really important to them. Dr. Stephen R. Covey: Author the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Discussion: Q & A 1.What does this quote mean to you? 2.What do you think the key ingredients are for your Life Balance? 3.What is really important to you? 4.What is does your Life Balance look like?
Life Balance “Shakespeare, Ghandi, Beethoven, Madonna, Bill Gates, Mother Teresa and Einstein didn’t work. They didn’t insist on achieving life balance by taking lunch breaks, knocking off at 4pm and forgetting about their “jobs” after hours. In the final analysis, our passion for life, balanced by purpose, is the only real balance worth striking.” Pat Pillai: Founder Life College & eTV News Journalist Discussion: 1.How would you describe Ghandi, Mother Teresa, et al’s life balance? 2.What role do you think purpose played these individuals’ lives?
Life Balance Jim Bird’s view on what Life Balance is NOT… An equal balance. Life is and should be more fluid. The same over time, your individual life balance will vary over time. The right balance for you when you are single will be different when you marry. A perfect, one size fits all, balance you should be striving for. Each of us all have different priorities and different lives Jim Bird publisher of WorkLifeBalance
Life Balance Towards Life Balance 1.Confirm your purpose: Spend time detecting your life purpose 2.Four Dimensional investment - Mind, Body, Spirit & Heart: Identify and implement activities that feed your mind, body, spirit and heart the Speed of Life – your life.
Life Balance Rewind… Consider the following questions: 1.Do I feel like I am in charge of my life? 2.Do I sometimes feel like life is happening to me and I’m spinning out of control? 3.Am I spending my time on the things that truly matter? 4.How open minded am I really? 5.Am I living a legacy? Live, Love, Learn, Leave a Legacy
the Speed of Life – your life. Thank you