Portuguese Team Speaker: Teresa Condeço (Educational Psychologist) Miguel Palha (Founder, Developmental Pediatrician, Development Director) Luísa Cotrim (Educational Psychologist ) Fernando Ferreira (Geographer, volunteer, website manager, ICT in Education, fundraising to support Rehabilitation and Therapies Lisbon, Portugal
INFORMATION ABOUT PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES 2001 Census Describes people with disabilities according to type of disability, corresponding to 6,1% of the total population. Portugal: newborns with down syndrome year. Estimate: a people with Down Syndrome
School All children in mainstreams schools with special education teacher and with special education measures. Education Report (March 2009): 3587 pupils (3,5 %) with special needs (1st to 4th grade) 3321 (92,6 %) with special teacher. Special measures: the government legislate in 2008 the special support for children and youngsters with special permanent needs: Personalized Pedagogical Support; Differentiated or adapted curriculum; Special conditions concerning school choice; Special conditions concerning evaluation; Information technology support; INFORMATION ABOUT PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES
Employing disabled peopleEmploying disabled people: about 1208 individuals with disabilities and motor and sensory impairments. Protocols between Job Centres and Enterprises. Independent live/Political rights The Portuguese Republic Constitution establishes the right of disabled people to the full participation in social life and to the equal rights and duties as other citizens, without any boundaries other than the resulting from the nature and extension of the disability. INFORMATION ABOUT PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES
Founded: 1990, non-profit organization. President: Maria Teresa Palha. Staff: More than 40 professionals. Multi-disciplinary team of professionals Nationwide organizational structure: Over 20 branches; partnerships with other institutions and schools. Annual Budget: Annual budget about 2,5 million euro's. There are no member fees. We sell teaching materials, educational software and institutional marketing. We get some support from the Social Security Fund, about Euros a month (70 children between 0-6 years old in Yearly Intervention Program); some private donations and sponsorships. Nowadays, the team works at the Child Development Centre DIFERENÇAS – an autonomous branch of the APPT21 - providing a service to more that children. WHO AND WHERE WE ARE
Efeito – D A new DNA for Design
Mission/Main Goals All children with developmental disabilities in mainstream education. Researching new methodology and offering intervention programs to address every type of development disorder to help educators, therapists and parents of children with developmental disabilities. Transition curriculum from 9 th grade to Protected Employment Advice on rights, benefits and available support The right to housing The right to sexuality The right to a family The right to bear children
Portuguese Down Syndrome Association/ Child Developmental Centre Differences More than children, with and without developmental co-morbidity, under intervention countrywide, including Madeira and Azores About children under indirect/long distance intervention (supervision of Intervention Programs and through the Internet) More than children under regular direct intervention (at the institution or at home) More than children with Trisomy 21 in direct and indirect intervention programs Over 500 children with cognitive impairments from different etiology other than trisomy21 (the greatest number of cases are Fragile X syndrome and Williams syndrome) More than 1000 children with Asperger syndrome and other Autism Spectrum Disorders More than 1500 children with Dyslexia and other Learning Disorders More than 700 children with Speech/Language Disorders More than 2000 children with Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorders. OUR ACTIVITIES – target groups
Services and main activities Counselling. Developmental evaluations. Rehabilitation and therapies. Curricular Practical Training. Internal Training Workshops/seminars: for parents and teachers. Organized leisure activities for holidays and weekends. Legal advise. Other activities: once a year we set up a Down Syndrome national meeting and a parent discussion group in the 21 st of March Parent’s Group 21
OUR ACTIVITIES Publications: books, digital books, educational software, worksheets (math and literacy), software for teachers and therapists “A baby, above all”, a new parent´s guide. The "Sign Language Workshop" – multimedia CD, early interactions and communicative skills.
OUR ACTIVITIES Publications: digital books, educational software, worksheets (math and literacy), software for teachers and therapists Worksheets for math Educational software “ Wonder Warm Numbers”
OUR ACTIVITIES Publications: digital books, educational software, worksheets (math and literacy), software for teachers and therapists Worksheets for literacy Educational software “Wonder Warm Games”
The "Learn to Read to Support Language" - digital book, access to the curriculum and functional reading and writing. OUR ACTIVITIES Publications: digital books, educational software, worksheets (math and literacy), software for teachers and therapists "Written Words" – digital book, enhancing handwriting skills and curriculum access “Number Skills Intervention Program” – digital book, promote number skills in a family and educational environment.
Regular Education Active Life Work Project within the field of Job Inclusion work team of 5 professionals starting January 2011 Job Integration and Professional Training
Activities funded by European Commission Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Programme Job Integration for Young Adults with Intellectual Disabilities – training for facilitators Partner - Associazione Italiana Persone Down Onlus
Teresa Palha - President Portuguese Down Syndrome Association