Golam Mustafa Senior Assistant Teacher (English) Charail Nurul Huq High School Keranigonj,Dhaka. Contact Num: Golam Mustafa Senior Assistant Teacher (English) Charail Nurul Huq High School Keranigonj,Dhaka. Contact Num: Sub: English 1 st Paper Class: Nine Time:35 mins Date: 23/1/2013 Sub: English 1 st Paper Class: Nine Time:35 mins Date: 23/1/2013
Mother Teresa
Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson the students will be able to --- say what was Mother Teresa describe the activity of Nirmal Hriday say about her first profession make a short article about Mother Teresa
Work in pair. Do you know her? Ask and answer the following questions. Describe the person. What was her profession? Where did she work? Is she still alive? Describe the person. What was her profession? Where did she work? Is she still alive?
Listen to the text and fill in the gaps individually. Mother Teresa was moved by the ----of the sick and dying on the ---- of Calcutta. She founded The “Home--- the Dying Destitute” and named it Nirmol Hridoy meaning “------” she and her Fellow nuns brought people off the streets of Calcutta to this ---- to care for them during the days before they Ever since then, more than---- of men, women and children have been taken from the streets and to Nirmol Hridoy. Approximately ----of those had the opportunity to die in an --- of kindness and love. In their last ----they met human and divine love and could feel that also were----of God. Those who---- the Missionaries of Charity tried to Find ---- or they were sent to homes where they could live happily some more years in a caring Environment. Regarding--- to family Mother Teresa said, “may be in our own----we have somebody who is feeling , who is feeling ----, who is feeling worried. Are we there? Are we ----to give until it hurts in order to be with our families, or do we put our ----first? We must remember that love begins at -----and we must also remember that future of __ passes through the family.” Mother Teresa was moved by the ----of the sick and dying on the ---- of Calcutta. She founded The “Home--- the Dying Destitute” and named it Nirmol Hridoy meaning “------” she and her Fellow nuns brought people off the streets of Calcutta to this ---- to care for them during the days before they Ever since then, more than---- of men, women and children have been taken from the streets and to Nirmol Hridoy. Approximately ----of those had the opportunity to die in an --- of kindness and love. In their last ----they met human and divine love and could feel that also were----of God. Those who---- the Missionaries of Charity tried to Find ---- or they were sent to homes where they could live happily some more years in a caring Environment. Regarding--- to family Mother Teresa said, “may be in our own----we have somebody who is feeling , who is feeling ----, who is feeling worried. Are we there? Are we ----to give until it hurts in order to be with our families, or do we put our ----first? We must remember that love begins at -----and we must also remember that future of __ passes through the family.”
Mother Teresa was moved by the presence of the sick and dying on the streets of Calcutta. She founded The “Home for the Dying Destitute” and named it Nirmol Hridoy meaning “Pure Heart” she and her fellow nuns gathered dying people of the streets of Calcutta and brought them to this home to care for them during the days before they died. Ever since then, more than of men, women and children have been taken from the streets and transported to Nirmol Hridoy. Approximately of those had the opportunity to die in an environment of kindness and love. In their last hours they met human and divine love and could feel that also were children of God. Those who survived the Missionaries of Charity tried to find jobs or they were sent to homes where they could live happily some more years in a caring environment. Regarding commitment to family Mother Teresa said, “may be in our own family we have somebody who is feeling lonely, who is feeling sick, who is feeling worried. Are we there? Are we willing to give until it hurts in order to be with our families, or do we put our interest first? We must remember that love begins at home and we must also remember that future of humanity passes through the family.”
Read the following statements and listened to the text again again. Now write true or false.In case of false statement write the correct information. Mother Teresa was moved to see the epidemic that spread in the street of Calcutta. She opened a home for both the rich and poor. True False Correct ans. She opened a home for a dying destitute. She and her companions would bring in the people who were dying in the streets. True All the people who were brought into the home died False Out of sick people died. Correct ans.
Write at least 5 Sentences about Mother Teresa in group.
Evaluations 1. Who is Mother Teresa? 2. When did she become a nun? 3. Where did She work ? 4. Where is Nirmal Hriday ? 5. Is she alive now ? 6. Say something about Mother Teresa
Home Task Write the biography of Mother Teresa
Thank You