Flip the Switch Dr. Teresa V. Sutcliffe Math Professor On Course 4/27/2012 Flip the Switch Dr. Teresa V. Sutcliffe Math Professor Los Angeles Valley College
Session Requirements Open mind Positive attitude Time Undivided attention
So please turn off all electronic devices… Hearing aids and pacemakers are ok.
How to Flip the Switch
Traditional vs. Flip-the-Switch Students come to class usually not having any idea what the lecture will be about. Instructor lectures. Students take down notes (if they do). Instructor tells students to study and do the homework (exercises in the book) on what was explained. Students do homework outside of class (if they do). Students read the book and/ or watch the videos before coming to class. Students copy the notes and examples from the book and/or videos before coming to class. Students come to class and do the exercises with the guidance of the instructor. Instructor tells students to study for next meeting’s topic(s) by reading/watching and copying the examples.
Math is not a spectator sport…
Yet we insist on making it one…
We show our students how to do problems…
…and then tell them to go and practice...
Learning Pyramid
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. - John Wooden
It is not about me…it’s about the students. - Teresa Sutcliffe ??
Resources www.lavcmath.com/resources www.youtube.com/refrigeratormathprof www.lavcmath.com/sutcliffe Contact Information: Dr. Teresa V. Sutcliffe 818-9472851 sutclitv@lavc.edu