Welcome to our 1 st Open House!
Why an Open House?
Overview of CE goals for For Kids Christ-centeredness For Parents Christ-centered Disciplers For Staff Christ-centered Teachers of Kids & Supporters of Parents For Programs Christ-centered Teaching & Environment
Teachers 8:30AM Preschool Teresa Chiao, Nathan Taylor, Caitlyn Yee K/1 st Grade Rachel Mack, Lauren Lee 2 nd /3 rd Grades Cynthia Espinoza, Lily Lieu 4 th /5 th Grades Michael Yin, Derek Wong
Teachers 10:00AM Preschool Kenny Chow, Donna Chan, Michelle Wong, Jojo So, Celina Lam K/1 st Grade Betty Lee, Becky Ching 2 nd /3 rd Grades Mel Lew, Mandy Lee, Ken & Shirla Lai 4 th /5 th Grades Eddie Tong, Dave Yee
Teachers 11:30AM Preschool Donna Chan, Dana Wong K/1 st Grade Chris Tan, Cynthia Espinoza 2 nd /3 rd Grades Jeff Lang, Rob Lem, Teresa Chun 4 th /5 th Grades Stanley Lai, Derek Wong
Youth Teachers 10:00-11:10AM 6 th /7 th Grades – Carrie Ling, Jun Quan, Franklin Fong 8 th /9 th Grades – Steve Tse, Teresa Chun 10 th Grade – Tim Lee, Ed Ng 11 th Grade – Grace Kwan 12 th Grade – Elgin Quan, Bill Lai
Curriculum Preschool – Group’s Big Books K/1 st – Big Picture Story Bible 2 nd /3 rd – Jesus Storybook Bible 4 th /5 th – Gospel Storybook Bible
Question What do you feel your role is as a parent in the spiritual development of your children?
Equipping Parents to be the Spiritual Leaders in Their Homes Deuteronomy 6:5-9 Two areas that we as parents need to understand. The biblical imperative to disciple our children. The spiritual battle that is raging in our world.
Equipping Parents to be the Spiritual Leaders in Their Homes The church and the home need to work together. Role of the church-Faith Teaching Role of the home-Faith Parenting
Equipping Parents to be the Spiritual Leaders in Their Homes A Child’s Developmental Cycle Birth or preschool to early teens Affiliating Years Early teens to Mid-Twenties Personalizing Their Faith
Equipping Parents to be the Spiritual Leaders in Their Homes Where are you in your journey to be a spiritual leader in your home?
10:00 Children’s Program Changes 10:00 am children’s worship and message remains the same 10:30 am – 11:15 am activities helping the children apply the message to their lives
What Can Parents Participate in at 10:00 Volunteer to lead one of the activities. Volunteer at the Amptouch station Organize a fellowship time for families Participate in Aphesis classes, Men’s Ministry, Women’s Ministry
Family Worship at Church Why Family Worship or Why should children attend worship? 1) Our children are members of the church. 2) Our children will be present in the midst of the entire congregation. 3) Our children will be present with their parents. 4) Our children will witness their parents worshipping. 5) Our children will learn the rhythms of church life.
Family Worship at Church Sunday, September 30 2 nd grade – 5 th grade will attend a worship service where the family can worship together NO classes on this Sunday for 2 nd grade – 5 th grade Preschool, K-1 will hold classes at 8:30 and 10:00 time slots At 11:30, CE will be having a staff meeting. NO classes Preschool-5 th grade. Nursery will be opened 8:15 – 1:00.
Family Worship at Church Sunday, December 30 K – 5 th grade will attend a worship service where the family can worship together NO children’s ministry programs for K – 5 th grade Preschool classes held ONLY at 8:30 and 10:00 time slots. Nursery will be opened 8:15 – 1: Every 5 th Sunday (4x a year) will be Family Worship Sunday NO children’s ministry programs on these Sundays for K-5 th grade. Preschool classes held ONLY at 8:30 and 10:00 time slots.
Upcoming CE Events Parent Workshops – 9/16 and 9/ :15 am in CE Gym Special Needs Respite event-9/22 12:30-4 pm at First Baptist SF Children’s Choir for 1 st -5 th grades Operation Christmas Child Christmas Celebration Outreach-12/23 Possible Family Retreat in Summer 2013