Goals for year 3 and 4 We want to ensure that the students develop the following… Social Skills- relating well to others Independence Managing self Participating and contributing Meeting their individual best
A DAY IN OUR CLASS ROOM What does your child do all day?
And …. School and Karori Library visits, Fun Friday Rotations, Assembly, Singing, Te Reo, Rec Centre, Swimming lessons, school and class masses …
Maths By the end of year 4 children are expected to be able to use their known facts to solve problems Year three begins to develop this skill and year 4 works on securing this strategy For example – 7+6 = 7+7 – 1 – = = = 15
Twice a week strategy teaching – Group teaching – Applying knowledge to learn strategies for solving addition/subtraction… problems Twice a week knowledge focus – Place value – Basic facts – Problem solving Once a week strand focus – Geometry – Measurement – Statistics – Probability
Reading Strategies we teach Predicting Questioning Visualising Activating prior knowledge Making connections Self monitoring Summarising Inferring Synthesising
Spelling and Handwriting Flexible groups depending on needs Correct formation of letters and developing neatness Teaching of high frequency words Blends, spelling rules, letter sounds etc Grammar – nouns, verbs, adjective, synonyms … Skills for using word cards and dictionaries Integrated into reading programme as well
Physical Education This term Wednesday’s and Thursdays Room 3 Thursday’s only while Swimming is on Room 3 swimming next 4 weeks Wednesdays and Fridays. Room 4 Gymnastics at Rec Centre weeks 9-10 Focus on skills, participation and fun! Children bring PE gear to school to get changed at lunch – except for Swimming days.
Religious Education Liturgical year – Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, Feast days, Advent, Christmas Strands – Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Communion of Saints, Sacrament Prayer, Myself and Others School Values and Charism Sacramental Programme – run through the Parish, open to children who are 8 by November. Check with Parish office for more information
Topic Science / Social Studies / Arts / Technology based. Differs every term This term – Getting to know each other, team building etc – Our Place – St Teresa’s – Life Education (week 8-9)
Fun Friday Rotations Students choose between 3 options Each rotation 3 weeks A range of activities such as – Cooking – Crafts – Sports – Science based experiments
HELPING AT HOME What can you to do …
Reading Encourage students to read everyday for enjoyment. Ask students to tell you about what they are reading. Visit the local library Practice the strategies from class Reading logs filled in each night 15-20mins reading a night Choose from book boxes or anything from home Room 4 – MONDAY Room 3 – FRIDAY
Mathematics Use real life situations Play board games Cooking- measuring Online games Basic facts homework – Room 4 MONDAY – Room 3 FRIDAY
Writing Collect ideas for writers notebook Create holiday journals Write cards and s to family members Write shopping lists Leave notes for each other Write stories for fun