PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual For Consideration by PARCC Governing Board June 26, 2013 Trinell Bowman, Maryland Tamara Reavis, Achieve
PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual First edition Represents best thinking of PARCC states to date; focus is on accessibility and accommodations for computer-delivered PBA, EOY and MYA First edition has support of majority of PARCC State Leads. Future editions will be drafted based on upcoming field tests, research, and operational testing. 2
Development & Review Manual was developed and reviewed over the past year through an iterative process involving the following groups: – State experts serving on the PARCC Accommodations, Accessibility and Fairness Operational Working Group; – K-12 PARCC State Leads; – Additional state agency experts (including special education and English learner experts); – External experts, including English learner expert Lynn Shafer Willner, the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) and the PARCC Technical Working Groups on Equity, English Learners and Students with Disabilities; – National advocacy groups for SWD, ELs, and equity and fairness; and – Staff from PARCC’s project management partner Achieve. 3
NameAffiliation Dave EdyburnUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Claudia FlowersUniversity of North Carolina-Charlotte Dianne PicheLeadership Conference on Civil Rights Alba OrtizThe University of Texas at Austin Diane SpenceRegion 4 Education Service Center, Braille Services Martha ThurlowNational Center on Educational Outcomes Diane AugustCenter for Applied Linguistics H. Gary CookUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Kenji HakutaStanford University Alba OrtizThe University of Texas at Austin Charlene RiveraGeorge Washington University Amy EpsteinLeadership Public Schools Keena ArbuthnotLouisiana State University Edward BossoGallaudet University Yvette JacksonNational Urban Alliance for Effective Education Carol D. LeeNorthwestern University Teresa L. McCartyArizona State University Dianne PicheLeadership Conference on Civil Rights Daniel Wiener, chairMassachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Technical Working Group 4
PARCC Accessibility System 5 Features for All Students Tools embedded Accessibility Features for All Students Identified in advance Accommodations
Accessibility Features for All Students Features that PARCC will make available to all students, either through the online platform or through the test administration process. Each student should determine whether they wish to use the support on an item-by-item basis, based on the supports they use during instruction and in daily life. Some features must be identified in advance as part of the student’s Personal Needs Profile (PNP) because of the concern of student overload or clash of supports. All of these features are based on research and universal design features principals. 6
Audio Amplification Blank Paper (provided by test administrator) Eliminate Answer Choices Flag Items for Review General Administration Directions Clarified (by test administrator) General Administration Directions Read Aloud and Repeated as Needed (by test administrator) Highlight Tool Headphones Magnification/Enlargement Device NotePad Pop-up Glossary Redirect Student to the Test (by test administrator) Spell Checker Writing Tools Accessibility Features for All Students 7
Accessibility Features to be Selected in Advance 8 Accessibility Features Adaptive and Specialized Equipment or Furniture Answer Masking Background/Font Color (Color Contrast) General Masking Line Reader Tool Text-to-Speech for the Mathematics Assessments
Accommodations for Students With Disabilities
Proposed Presentation Accommodations for Students with Disabilities 10 ELA/Literacy Text-to-Speech or Video of a Human Interpreter for the ELA/Literacy Assessments, including items, response options, and passages Refreshable braille displays Closed-Captioning of Multimedia Passages Descriptive Video MathematicsVideo of a Human Interpreter Both Content AreasAssistive Technology Hard-copy braille tests Video of a Human Interpreter for Test Directions Tactile Graphics Paper-and-Pencil Edition
Proposed Response Accommodations for Students with Disabilities ELA/Literacy Scribing or Speech-to-Text (i.e., Dictation/Transcription or Signing) for constructed responses Word prediction PBA Mathematics Calculation Device and Mathematics Tools (on Non- calculator Sessions) Both Content AreasAssistive Technology Scribing or Speech-to-Text for selected response items Braille Note-taker
Other Proposed Accommodations for Students with Disabilities CategoryAccommodation Timing & SchedulingExtended Time Setting Many settings that were once considered accommodations are now consider accessibility features for all students and will be included in the test administrator manual. These include – separate location, small group testing, specified area or seating, time of day, and frequent breaks. 12
Accommodations Policies for English Learners
Proposed Guidance on Selecting Accommodations for English Learners When selecting accommodations for ELs, consider the student’s: 1. Level of English language proficiency (ELP) on the state ELP test o Beginning, Intermediate, or Advanced 2. Literacy development in the native language o Native language literacy o Interrupted schooling/literacy background 3. Background factors that impact effective accommodations use o Grade/age o Affective filter (i.e., level of student anxiety/comfort with English) o Time in U. S. schools 14
Mapping Accommodations to ELP WIDA ACCESS for ELLs ® English Language Proficiency (ELP) Levels ELDA English Language Proficiency Levels Composite ELP Level (Acosta et al., 2008) Level 1Entering Level 1Pre-Functional Beginning Level 2Emerging Level 2Beginning Level 3Developing Level 3Intermediate Level 4Expanding Level 4Advanced Intermediate Level 5Bridging Level 5Advanced Level 6Reaching Level 6 Full English Proficiency not exited 15
Accommodations for English Learners 16 Accommodation BeginningIntermediateAdvanced English/ Native Language Word-to-Word Dictionary (ELA/Literacy & Mathematics) Test Directions clarified by test administrator in student’s Native Language (ELA/Literacy & Mathematics) Scribe or Speech-to-Text: Responses Dictated for Mathematics assessment in English (Mathematics) Extended Time (ELA/Literacy and Mathematics) Highly recommended for use by ELs at this English language proficiency level Recommended for use by ELs at this English language proficiency level May not be appropriate for students at this ELP level ○
Next Steps AAF OWG and core writing team to finalize document and accompanying tools Stakeholder out reach and communications to key audiences Released to the public July 25,
The Governing Board votes to approve the first edition of the PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual for the field test in 2013 – Based on item try-out, field testing and other research, this document will continue to be revisited in an iterative manner, consistent with best practice. Draft Motion for Consideration