“Seventh Grade” by Gary Soto Vocabulary and Literary Elements Power Point
Elective (n) – an optional academic course or subject He was handed a packet of papers and a computer card on which he listed his one elective. pg. 21 www.nataliedee.com
Scowl (v) – to look angry by drawing the eyebrows together and frowning He scowled and let his upper lip quiver. pg. 22 www.etftrends.com.com
Quiver (v) – to shake with a slight, rapid movement He scowled and let his upper lip quiver. pg. 22 www.thundafunda.com
Ferocity (n) – extreme fierceness; intensity His teeth showed along with the ferocity of his soul. pg. 22
Conviction (n) – a strong belief, assuredness Umm, he thought, maybe it does work. He scowled with greater conviction. pg. 23 www.simplyshirtsinc.com
Linger - (v) to continue to stay; delay leaving Only Teresa lingered, talking with the homeroom teacher. pg. 23 www.do2learn.com
Trudge - (v) to walk heavily; plod As he trudged to English, he practiced scowling. pg. 23 http;//img.tfd.com
Portly - (adj) stout or overweight In English, they reviewed the parts of speech. Mr. Lucas, a portly man, waddled down the aisle, asking, “What is a noun?” clipart
Bluff - (v) to mislead or deceive He tried to bluff his way out by making noises that sounded French. pg. 24 www.thesignkid.com
Sheepishly – (adv.) with a bashful or embarrassed look He looked sheepishly at the teacher, who was erasing the board, then widened his eyes in terror at Teresa who stood in front of him. www.rsvp-books.com
About the Author Gary Soto Born in 1952 Grew up in Fresno, California in a Mexican-American community Writes poems, essays, and novels He also teaches and has won many awards www,umich.edu
Point of View – the perspective of the one telling the story 1st Person – narrator is the character in the story -- Look for pronouns – I, me, we, us www.barnesandnoble.com
Point of View – the perspective of the one telling the story 2nd person – narrator tells story to someone Look for pronoun – you www.barnesandnoble.com
Point of View – the perspective of the one telling the story 3rd person – narrator is not a character -- Look for pronouns – he, she, it , they, them 3rd person omniscent – narrator relates to the thoughts, feelings, and actions of ALL characters 3rd person limited – narrator tells what ONE person think, feels, and observes
Theme Theme: Central meaning or dominant idea in a literary work or piece of writing.