1 st Meeting GRUNTVIG PROJECT “Initial Literacy in a Social Context” Lanciano (Italy) Host institution: Adriatica Consulting 10-13 October 2012


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Presentation transcript:

1 st Meeting GRUNTVIG PROJECT “Initial Literacy in a Social Context” Lanciano (Italy) Host institution: Adriatica Consulting October m

PARTICIPANTS Foreningen Urkraft. SWEDEN Maria Lindgren Kongsgard Skolesenter. NORWAY Birgitte Kristiansen – Solveig Torjusen Centro de Educacion de Adultos Celtiberia. SPAIN Teresa Tabernero - Celia Corral – Delicia Ruiz IP Koulutuspalvelut Tmi. FINLAND Irma Partanen Upplands-Bro Kommun. SWEDEN Inger Midmo – Agneta Holmberg –Tomas Stens Talas Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu: TURKEY Esin Altunal – Haci Mehmet Aslan Adriatica Consulting. ITALY Gabriella Russo – Marco Sideri – Monica La Morgia Volkshochschule Braunschweig GmbH. GERMANY Andreas Klepp – Ute Koopman

Adriatica Consulting is a Training and Consulting agency in Lanciano that was founded in 2001 to give rise to an ambitious project: to train professionals in the future. Reliability, Quality, Reliability and Innovation, have always been the factors that accompany the work of experienced professionals who work together with Adriatica Consulting to provide for people, businesses and professionals a wide range of services, which are necessary to compete in markets that are increasingly demanding. The primary goal is to guide clients along the road of innovation and sustainability, by analyzing the technological, economic, environmental and social, in order to improve the substance, and not only in form, competitiveness and visibility.

The hosts Gabriella Russo Marco Sideri Monica La Morgia Karen, our excellent guide

Day Arrival of participants. Greetings and introductions. Accommodation.

Day Project Meeting at Adriatica Consulting Srl offices Presentation of the organizations Presentation of participants What we have to develop into the project Power point presentations from each partner Meeting at the Council Chamber of Lanciano The Mayor: Mario Pupillo The Councillor of the Culture: Pino Valente The Councillor of the Social Policies: Dora Bendotti The Councillor for Education: Marcello D’Ovidio Project meeting Decisions on how to work on the project Products to be developed into the project Target groups of each partner Sharing experience Guided tour in the city centre

Teresa and Celia. SPAIN Delicia. SPAIN Esin y Haci. TURKEY Irma. FINLAND Maria. SWEDEN Tomas and Agneta. SWEDEN Esin Ute and Andreas. GERMANY Inger. SWEDEN Birgitte y Solveig. NORWAY

Power point presentations from some partners

Meeting at the Council Chamber

Meeting at Adriatica Consulting WORKING TIME

Day Project meeting in Adriatica Consulting’s premises Publications and web site Guidelines Feed-back from beneficiaries Evaluation: how to work on it. Presentation from the coordinator of future tasks Determining the exact dates of the next meeting Discussion about a proposal of Multilateral Grundtvig End of works Completion and closure of works and thanks Ceremony certificate Visit to the Foundation “Sviluppo e Competenze”.

Labour insertion experiences

Visit to the foundation “Sviluppo e Competenze”

San Giovanni in Venere

A lovely landscape

Discussion time …debate, proposals, ideas, agreements, disagreements, suggestions, opinions, review...

Dinner time

time Fun

Grazie, cari amici. Speriamo di tornare