If there was one thing everybody in the world could do, to make the world a better place, What would it be?
Remember the rich young man? What did Jesus reply to him? What happened to him? The Jewish law included 613 commandments. No wonder some Jews wanted to know which ones were essential, and which ones were not. Jesus told him basically to keep the 10 Commandments. Another time however, a teacher of the Law also asked Jesus” “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” This time, Jesus boiled his answer down even more… Mk 12:28-34m (p.134) Good Master, what should I do to inherit eternal life? Follow the Commandments.. Then give your money to the poor, and come follow Me. The Greatest Commandments
Read p Write your own summary of Jesus’ conversation with the scribe 2.Where did Jesus get his two answers from? 3.What do you think loving others “as yourself” means? **Why did Jesus praise the scribe’s attitude?
What is the Greatest Commandment?
Mother Teresa Loving God Loving others as yourself “The Woman who Loved God and Neighbour” Using the book p.135, and the fact sheet on M.Teresa. Mindmap examples of how she showed love of God and neighbour. Play video on mute, with soundtrack of other video