I N T E R N A T I O N A L P L A N E T A R Y D A T A A L L I A N C E ( I P D A) The International Planetary Data Alliance (IPDA) Update to the PDS MC August 22, 2011
COSPAR Recognition of IPDA I N T E R N A T I O N A L P L A N E T A R Y D A T A A L L I A N C E ( I P D A) Toward a Global Space Exploration Program: A Stepping Stone Approach, Committee on Space Research, June 2010 “In the preparation phase toward a global space exploration program, COSPAR should promote the development of synergistic science programs with open and full access to each others’ data... The International Planetary Data Alliance (IPDA) is recognized by COSPAR as the official body for definition of planetary science archive standards. All those efforts could play an important role in standardization and construction of interoperable systems for a future global space exploration program.”
Steering Committee Members : Chair ( ) Yasumasa Kasaba (Tohoku Univ., Japan) Deputy Chair ( ) Dan Crichton (NASA/JPL, PDS) Former Chair ( ) Joe Zender (ESA: PSA) ( ) Maria Teresa Capria (IASF/INAF, Italy) NASA-PDSReta Beebe (NMSU), Dan Crichton (NASA) ESA-PSADave Heather, Christophe Arviset Canada (CSA) Mickael Germain France (CNES) Richard Moreno, Thierry Levoir, Alain Sarkissian (IPSL) Germany (DLR) Karin Eichentopf, Thomas Roatsch India (ISRO) Gopala Krishna, R. Srinivasan Italy (ASI) Paolo Giommi, Maria Teresa Capria (INAF) Japan (JAXA) Iku Shinohara, Yukio Yamamoto UKMark Leese (Open Univ.), Peter Allan (RAL) China (CNSA/CAS)Li Chunlai, Chi Wang with Ling Zongcheng (Shandong Univ.) Russia (RAS/RKA)Alexander Zacharov, Vladimir Nazarov NASA-PDSReta Beebe (NMSU), Dan Crichton (NASA) ESA-PSADave Heather, Christophe Arviset Canada (CSA) Mickael Germain France (CNES) Richard Moreno, Thierry Levoir, Alain Sarkissian (IPSL) Germany (DLR) Karin Eichentopf, Thomas Roatsch India (ISRO) Gopala Krishna, R. Srinivasan Italy (ASI) Paolo Giommi, Maria Teresa Capria (INAF) Japan (JAXA) Iku Shinohara, Yukio Yamamoto UKMark Leese (Open Univ.), Peter Allan (RAL) China (CNSA/CAS)Li Chunlai, Chi Wang with Ling Zongcheng (Shandong Univ.) Russia (RAS/RKA)Alexander Zacharov, Vladimir Nazarov Bremen, July th IPDA Steering Committee 3 I N T E R N A T I O N A L P L A N E T A R Y D A T A A L L I A N C E ( I P D A)
IPDA Status + Meeting Next IPDA Meeting to be held Sept Caltech –Old projects will be reported on –New projects will be identified Initiating more regular telecons Developing the standards process PDS4 remains a key item as is EuroPlanet and IVOA collaboration I N T E R N A T I O N A L P L A N E T A R Y D A T A A L L I A N C E ( I P D A)
Attendees I N T E R N A T I O N A L P L A N E T A R Y D A T A A L L I A N C E ( I P D A)
Agenda 3 days; no splinters (Sept 14-16, 2011) Key talks on PDS4, IVOA and EuroPlanet Project reports Agency reports on archiving and adoption of tools, standards Planning for the next year Address structural items I N T E R N A T I O N A L P L A N E T A R Y D A T A A L L I A N C E ( I P D A)
Projects in I N T E R N A T I O N A L P L A N E T A R Y D A T A A L L I A N C E ( I P D A)
Comments No Chinese coming New chair will be selected, most likely from Europe Continue to focus IPDA on a) internationalization of PDS standards and b) coordination on archiving and interoperabilty More work needed on executing a process for review, response and voting –Gopala Krishina has done some leg work on this, but it needs more attention –Some formalization of the TEG occurred last year with a charter and quarterly telecons Discussions are planned for DPS on IPDA I N T E R N A T I O N A L P L A N E T A R Y D A T A A L L I A N C E ( I P D A)
Questions? I N T E R N A T I O N A L P L A N E T A R Y D A T A A L L I A N C E ( I P D A)