Alvin Independent School District Gifted and Talented Program and Advanced Academics
STATE GOAL FOR SERVICES FOR GIFTED STUDENTS Students who participate in services designed for gifted students will demonstrate skills in: Self-directed learning Thinking Research Communication
As evidenced by…. the development of innovative products and performances that reflect individuality and creativity Products and performances are advanced in relation to students of similar age, experience, or environment. Understanding student interests and how they best learn to develop potential- RLS
The Alvin ISD Gifted and Talented Program… offers academic services to bright and high achieving students who have indicated a need for an adequately modified differentiated curriculum. GT pullout program Cluster classes Advanced Placement Classes High expectations and certain performance requirements Once placed in program student continues in the program unless there is a demonstrated need to be furloughed or exited
Screening Process Kindergarten: All students are screened for testing by January. District screening tool Observations made by specialist and teacher looking for originality, fluency, flexibility, and elaboration in student thought process. Testing for those that qualify is completed by February and services begin by March.
Screening Process cont’d. All other elementary grade levels: Referrals are taken year round. Referrals due by April 15th Assessment occurs in Spring Students may be tested two times in grades 1-5
Screening Process cont’d. Secondary Testing Junior High and High School as requested MAP: Spring Testing
Identification of Students Referrals can be made by… teachers peers administrators parents counselors community members even the students themselves Nominations must be returned by end of the 3rd week of September (Fall Screening) and by the end of the 2nd week of April (Spring screening).
Data Collection Completed referral form from person making nomination Quantitative measures Standardized test scores Qualitative measures Teacher observation survey This is done in small groups with several timed tests administered. It takes time.
Quantitative Measures An ability test is given in three areas: Verbal Quantitative Non-verbal Data collected from multiple sources are included in the assessment process to qualify for further testing. Further testing includes an individual IQ test.
GT Student Assessment Committee Final determination of students’ need for gifted/talented services is made by a committee of at least three trained educators that may consist of: GT Specialist Administrator Counselor Teacher Parent notification of decision.
Where do elementary GT students receive services in AISD? Every elementary campus has a GT specialist that services the students. Cluster classroom differentiation Competitions that vary on each campus Dual Language Program at Melba Passmore and Savannah Lakes Options for extra curricular activities vary by campus Done by working both in the cluster classes with teachers and pulling small groups of students for special assignments/projects
Texas Performance Standards Projects TPSP Student projects which are TEKS-based and focus on the core content areas with interdisciplinary connections. The goal of the TPSP is for students to create work that reflects the professional quality that the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students requires. The College Board developed College Readiness Standards have also been included in each of the K through 12th grade PSP units. By applying the readiness standards to each grade level project, participants are ensured their involvement will prepare them for the academic rigor needed for future successes.
Elementary GT Specialists Alvin Primary Patty Hammer Alvin Elementary Kimberly Duncan Don Jeter Elementary Karen Rebolledo EC Mason Elementary Elaine Guikema Glenn York Elementary Anitra Bazzle Hood-Case Elementary Sammie Gardner Longfellow Elementary Trish Schlegel
Continued Mary Marek Joanna Wang Mark Twain Jennifer Hiett Passmore Elementary Teresa Barrera Savannah Lakes Elementary Vanda Moulton Stevenson Primary Kimberly Robertson Walt Disney Elementary Kim Durkin Wilder Elementary Pat Cheney
GT Professional Development All district GT cluster teachers requirements 30 hours GT awareness 6 hour annual GT update
Family and Community SAGE Evaluation District survey
Secondary Other opportunities: Advanced Academics Specialist serves each campus Advanced Placement Classes (Pre-AP/AP) Dual Credit/Dual Degree Online Courses MAP TPSP Projects Other opportunities: Academic UIL TFPS Junk Box Wars Duke TIP: qualify in 7th grade There is a slide for TPSP Projects (stolen from elementary) and one on GT hour requirements (also stolen from elementary). Not sure if you want to keep them or not.
Magnet Academic Program (MAP) The program offers an accelerated curriculum that will include the level of rigor needed for our students to be successful in advanced secondary course work. Program courses for math and science. Humanities (6th), addition of 7th and 8th next two years Housed at Nolan Ryan Junior High and Harby Junior High. Math 6 MAP Algebra 1 Pre-AP Geometry 1 Pre-AP
Qualifications for Entrance into MAP All 5th grade students are administered a battery of mathematic assessments in the spring. Students meeting the exam requirements will be placed on a matrix that will be tallied with information garnered from the tests as well as teacher recommendations. Those students qualifying to participate in MAP will be notified and a meeting will be held before the completion of school.
AP Courses Offered by Our District: AP English Language & Composition AP English Literature AP US History AP US Government AP Macro Economics AP Psychology AP Human Geography AP World History AP Chemistry AP Physics 1 and 2 AP Environmental Science AP Biology AP Calculus AB/BC AP Statistics AP French AP Spanish AP Art Portfolio AP Music Theory AP Computer Science New Course: AP Seminar
Secondary Advanced Academics Specialists Alvin Junior High & Fairview Junior High Stacey Hughes Harby Junior High Michelle DeLeon Nolan Ryan Junior High (MAP) Britney Campbell Manvel Junior High at Rodeo Palms Vincincia Wright Alvin High School Fred Lewis Manvel High School Tracie Lee