BHORUKA CHARITABLE TRUST PRESENTATION ON District Poverty Initiatives Project CHURU (Rajasthan)
Bhoruka Charitable Trust INTRODUCTION BCT was founded by the late Shri Prabhu Dayal Agarwal, well known philanthropist and Founder-Chairman of TCI-Bhoruka Groups of companies in 1962 with the objective of helping the socially and economically underprivileged population in rural areas. We are implementing integrated rural development activities in the villages of Churu district of Rajasthan since Presently we are working in about 350 villages of Rajgarh, Tarangar, Ratangarh and Churu blocks of the district. BCT is aslo working in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
Our Objectives To promote micro–credit/ savings and income generation activities through CIGs & SHGs. To provide medical and health services to the rural population, especially the mother and Child. To provide formal and non-formal education in the remote villages, particularly to girls. To provide safe drinking water to the masses. Networking with Grassroots Organizations and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and their capacity building.
BCT is working in following sectors: Poverty Initiatives Natural Resource Management Health Education Infra-structure Development Women and Child Development Networking with other NGOs
District Poverty Initiatives Project
Status of the Project 1Village Allotted 157 2No.of Blocks (Churu, Ratangarh, Rajgarh & Taranagar) 04 3Formation of CIGs 472 4No. of Sub-Project Submitted 448 5No.of Sub-Project Sanctioned 374 6Total Cost of Sub-Projects (Amt. in lac) Amount Sanctioned (Amt. in lac) Fund released (Amt. in lac)
Activity wise Group Formation
Status of the Group formation
Activity wise Sub-Projects
Activity wise No. of CIGs Benefited
Comments on Dairy Development Project Dairy development has a good potential in the region as the economy of the people depends on the rain fed agriculture and livestock rearing. In Churu comparatively larger land holdings are available for grazing.The dairy activities will improve the socio economic conditions of the people in the villages of Churu district. In an effort to remove the poverty dairy routes particularly in the more remote places is required. Further the competitive price for the milk along with the animal care services at the remote village should also be given top priority.
Implemented by BCT This activity was initiated by Trust during February 2002 – June 2004 to provide a sustainable and regular income to the farmers of the region. Milk was collected from 90 villages of Rajgarh block and, during the peak period, average milk collection was liters/day. Presently, Dairy Union is continuing this program.
1No.of Sub-Project Submitted85 2No.of Sub-Project Sanctioned75 3No. of CIG funds released45 4No. of CIG attached with RCDF for sale of milk 32 5No. of CIG attached with Venders/Private dairy/ local sale 13 6No. of CIGs Ist animal inducted45 7No. of CIGs IInd animal inducted16 Status of sub-project Dairy
Preparation, sanction, implementation of Sub projects: a.Average time taken for SP preparation30 days b.Average Time of sanction of project25-30 days c.Average time taken for Group contribution 75 days d.Average time taken for transferred funds to CIG account days e.Average time taken for acquisition of asset 45 days
CIG Performance: A.% of Groups earning a net income iRs per month18% iiRs % iiiRs % ivRs upto11% vNo. Income30% B.%Groups who have acquired additional assets. 9% C.% of Groups linked to the market40%
% Groups who lost their asset Percentage (a)Through saleNil (b)Death02 % (c)Other reasonsNil
Capacity Building of %CIGs given: Per%No. of Days (a)Orientation training57%02 days (b)Skill building training75%03-04 months (c)AMT100%3 days % of Groups Linked to bank credit 8.30 %
Insurance: (a)No. of Groups who insured their assets 61 Groups (b)No. of claims filed14 Groups (c)No. of Claims disbursed14 Groups
List 10 Groups whom we consider a success: Sno.Group’s NameActivityVillage 1ShivDairyDhanothi Chhoti 2Baba MangalnathDairyDhanothi Badi 3Mother TeresaDairyBirmi 4New HindDairyBhimsana 5KishanDairyDhani Badi 6Shyam PandiaDairyNethwa 7BalajiDairyBhanin 8Sri Ganesh JiHorticultureGumanda 9ChetnaEmbroideryBhalautibba 10Mahila JagratiEmbroideryNethwa
Buffalo Inducted in Dairy Project
Goats Inducted in Project
Orientation Training of CIG Members
Innovative “KUND-BAGWANI” sub-project initiated. ORCHARD development (BER/AMLA/ BEL /KER/LEMON) based on water harvesting & storage in KUNDs. Capacity of KUND 30,000 liters, 60,000 liters & 1,00,000/- liters of water. Plantation protected by fencing. 100 plants can yield an income of from Rs. 25,000/- to 50,000/- per year to marginal farmers after 4-5 years and will provide sustainable livelihood.
Kund Bagwani Under Construction
Group Members with World Bank Team
Our Future Planning To linkage the CIGs with milk collection center. Regular monitoring for sustainability of CIGs To linkage of CIGs with Banks & MFI. Promotion of micro enterprise and strengthening of live stock. Promotion of the Cluster Development activity & Market linkage.