The questionnaire had been made to evaluate the service quality and quantity perception of the members. The survey was implemented on mayors of the member municipalities including Participation rate was 88%. The questionnaire is implemented by direct (face to face) and indirect ways (mail, fax, e- mail, etc.) The questionnaire continued three months.
1. Please evaluate the quality of the following training programs organized in the last one year? a. Strategic Planning ( ) Not Satisfactory ( ) Satisfactory ( ) Good ( ) Excellent 2. Please specify training frequency about following training programs. a. Strategic Planning ( ) Once, ( ) Twice, ( ) Three Times, ( ) Four Times ( ) More Then Four Times 3. Please write your thoughts and suggestions
1. Please provide your feed back on the quality of our following research activities provided last year by marking the relevant choice. 1.Economic research: 2.Investment research: 3.Legal Framework research: Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent 2. Has LGA made enough research activities on relevant topics written below? 1.Economic research: ( ) Yes ( ) No 2.Investment research: ( ) Yes ( ) No 3.Legal Framework research: ( ) Yes ( ) No 3. Please write your thoughts and suggestions
1. Have you applied to get consultancy services from association? ( ) Yes ( ) No 2. If yes, please mark the area of your demand? ( ) Strategic planning, ( ) Budget and Finance ( ) Legal Issues ( ) International Cooperation 3. Please provide your feed back on the quality of our following consultancy services provided last year by marking the relevant choice. Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent 4. Please write your thoughts and suggestions
1. Please provide your feed back on the quality of our following advocacy services provided last year by marking the relevant choice. Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent
1. Please provide your feed back on the quality of our following developing cooperation services provided last year by marking the relevant choice. Not Satisfactory Satisfactory Good Excellent
1.What kind of forms of consultancy services will be more efficient? Direct consultants Web site forums Phone desks Trainings in job
1.What kind of forms of publications will be more useful? Books (More than 100 pages) Booklets (Less than 100 pages) Magazines Newsletter Policy notes Brochures Booklets CDs Web Site Mailing Group