1 Faculty of Public Health Continuing Professional Development Scheme
2 What is Continuing Professional Development (CPD)? CPD is the component of learning and development that occurs after the formal completion of postgraduate training.
3 Why is it done? In public health, the overall aim of continuing professional development is to ensure that those who work in the field develop and maintain the necessary knowledge, skills and attributes to practise effectively and work towards improving the health of the population. CPD is a professional obligation for all public health professionals.
4 Faculty minimum CPD requirements In order to comply with the Faculty's minimum standards for CPD and to remain in good standing, all Faculty members must either submit a satisfactory CPD return for the previous calendar year, or have been formally exempted from this requirement. A minimum requirement of 50 credits must be submitted in each annual return to be deemed satisfactory.
5 CPD year From 1 April 2012 the CPD year will change to a 1 April – 31 March cycle. Annual returns should be submitted as soon as possible after 31 March each year and no later than 30 June.
6 Key areas of Public Health competence 1.Surveillance and assessment of the population’s health and well-being 2.Assessing the evidence of effectiveness of health and healthcare interventions, programmes and services 3.Policy and strategy development and implementation 4.Strategic leadership and collaborative working for health 5.Health improvement 6.Health protection 7.Health and social service quality 8.Public health intelligence 9.Academic public health 10.Ethical management of self / others / resources.
7 CPD Cycle Work : period of intervention Start here Set personal development plan Review performance (individual or group) Appraisal Reflection Standards
8 Types of CPD activities a. Learning as part of your job b. Group work, seminars and journal clubs c. Conferences, workshops and educational meetings d. Formal courses e. Private study and reading f. Public health audit, appraisal and reflective practice g. Training, teaching, examining and preparation time h. Research i. Organisational development activities j. Inspection and review activities.
9 Credits As a guide: 1 credit – 1 hour of real educational time 3 credits – half a day 5 credits – full day No single category (a-j) should contribute to more than 50% of total hours achieved Private reading should form no more than 20% of the total Publications and preparation under category h) is allowed up to a maximum of 5 hours for each item. At least 25 credits must be directly related to the PDP. Certain major pieces of work, such as the writing of books, external courses and higher degrees, may be apportioned across the categories and spread over a period of more than one year.
10 Before claiming credits Consider: Was there new learning? Have I recorded this in a reflective note? How is the activity linked to my PDP?
11 Recording CPD The CPD process should start with the creation of a PDP CPD activity is recorded in a diary (or portfolio). This can be paper-based or electronic It is advisable to record CPD activities as they are completed rather than at the end of the CPD year Reflective notes
12 Personal Development Plan (PDP) Ideally this is undertaken with a peer as part of, or linked to, an annual appraisal. Intended to set out the main learning objectives How will they be met and by when? How will the practice change as a result? Need met and sign off
13 CPD Portfolio The CPD portfolio consists of a series of templates for maintaining an accurate record of learning activities and creating a personal development plan. It also includes the forms required for completing the annual return. Section 1 - Personal details Section 2 - Personal Development Plan Section 3 - CPD Log Section 4 - CPD Annual Return / Application for Exemption Section 5 - Reflective Notes
14 Reflective Notes Reflective notes, written by the public health professional about the learning gained from each activity, are the most discriminating form of evidence of effective CPD There must be one reflective note for each activity and it must include the title of the activity and a factual description Reflective notes must be submitted if the individual is included in the annual audit of returns
15 Construction of reflective notes There are 4 elements to be completed in each reflective note. 1.Why was this activity selected for CPD? (Does it meet an identified PDP need? Were educational objectives advertised for an event of interest?) 2.What was the learning need or objective that was addressed? (Describe how the activity contributed to the development of your knowledge, skills or attitudes) 3.What was the outcome of the activity? (How have your knowledge, kills and attitudes changed? Have you identified any skills, attitude and knowledge gaps? How will this activity improve patient/public care of safety? How will your current practice change as a consequence of your learning from this activity? 4.Further learning needs (Outline any further learning or development needs highlighted by the activity. How will these be addressed?)
16 CPD Audit 20% sample from all returns All audit submissions that were deemed unsatisfactory in the previous year All exempted from audit in the previous year 2% of the membership will be randomly selected Those included in the annual audit will be requested to provide evidence of their CPD diary/portfolio, including: Personal details Personal development plan (PDP) CPD log CPD return Reflective notes (i.e. evidence of active participation in CPD. Templates are included in the online diary and the CPD portfolio)
17 Audit conduct Audit material normally requested in the second quarter of the CPD year (to be provided within 4 weeks) Faculty CPD Administrator allocates submission to CPD Co-ordinator in a constituency other than that of auditee Strict confidence Standardised checklist sent to auditee as feedback Assessment outcome: ‘satisfactory’ or ‘unsatisfactory’
18 Exemption from CPD In a recognised public health training scheme Participating in another recognised CPD scheme Retired members Not working in public health Prolonged sick leave* Maternity / paternity / adoption leave* Sabbatical leave* Any other very exceptional circumstances * for not less than 9 months
19 Conclusion – Portfolio / Reflection Participation in CPD demonstrates a commitment to lifelong learning. The recording of this process should be as easy and unobtrusive as possible Maintenance of a portfolio containing evidence of learning through CPD and other activities is key It is important to include in your portfolio a personal reflection on each activity to identify what was learnt and how it changed your practice CPD and its processes should meet your personal development planning needs which will become an essential part of revalidation