Assessment of Adult Learning in a Discipline-Based Dual Language Immersion Model® Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed. Assessment coordinator Florida Campuses
The School of Professional Studies Assessment Plan focuses on: Assessment of Student Learning ◦ Midpoint and Capstone Assessment ◦ Evaluation of Student Portfolios ◦ Language Placement Testing Assessment of Program Effectiveness ◦ Student Representative Meetings ◦ End-of-Course Evaluations ◦ External Peer Reviews ◦ Continuous Assessment of Program Activities ◦ Classroom Observations ◦ Student Satisfaction Survey
Is formative Occurs at a crucial decision point Helps them to see that assessment is helping them Aids in retention Provides information to the stakeholders
Is summative Provides opportunity to identify whether students have achieved selected program outcomes Determines the strengths and weaknesses of students toward achievement of outcome expectations Helps assess skills other than professional content mastery
Small group met off campus at corporate house. Consultant from Regis led discussion. Group brainstormed list of possible DLP objectives. Group classified objectives in categories: conceptual, language, communication, and interpersonal.
The entire faculty met by academic areas on campus. Using the DLP objectives, faculty wrote area manifestations aligning them with each objective.
Select diverse program areas. Involve faculty and administration. Identify programs which have heavy enrollment.
Qualitative analysis ◦ Faculty opinion on content and coverage of program objectives and outcomes Quantitative analysis ◦ Significant achievement increment ◦ Large enrollment
Alignment chart Assessment instruments ◦ Diagnostic profile ◦ Portfolios ◦ Case studies ◦ Metacognitive papers ◦ Strategic Business Plan ◦ Organization’s Financial Analysis Rubrics
Part of Assessment Program Objectives Program Outcomes Dual Language Professional Outcomes Area Manifestation Diagnostic Profile #3: Analyze social, psychological and philosophical foundations of education. #3: Develop classroom assessment. # 1: DLP will be able to develop ideas in order to address problems in an effective way. # 1: The DLP will develop strategies or action plans after analyzing specific situations in Spanish. Remedial Lesson Plan #5: Understand and use different educational strategies and techniques effectively #5: Develop lesson plans. # 1: DLP will be able to develop ideas in order to address problems in an effective way. # 1: The DLP will develop strategies or action plans after analyzing specific situations in English.
ExcellentVery GoodSatisfactoryNeeds Improvement
Mid Point Assessment (Program Level) ◦ Designed by Faculty Experts ◦ Rubrics and Evaluation Criteria developed specifically to measure program and language objectives ◦ “Graded” by other Faculty Experts (not facilitator of the course) Inter-rater reliability of over 80%
The performance of the students is measured as follows: ◦ Excellent ◦ Very Good ◦ Satisfactory ◦ Less than Unsatisfactory
Internal: ◦ Board of Directors ◦ Faculty and Staff External: ◦ Professional and community forums ◦ Data base for reaccreditation visits ◦ Possible institutional and corporate alliances
Addition of language courses for graduate programs: 050, 500 and 501 ◦ Emphasis on early or concurrent enrollment in these courses for graduate students
Revision of all course modules to explicitly include language objectives: “3 rd generation of modules” ◦ Inclusion of language development in class assignments, activities and resources ◦ Evaluation activities to be 70% content, 30% language ◦ Prioritization of graduate courses in the development of 3 rd generation of modules
Replication of midpoint assessment model in MBA program to verify possible differences between bachelors and masters