1 Centre for Study of Developing Societies, Monitoring Institute, Delhi District Monitored :North West Delhi, West Delhi Period of the Report :1st April 2011 to 30th September 2011 Date of Visit to the Schools/Districts 1)North West Delhi– (20th July 2011 to 30th August 2011) 2)West Delhi – (1st September 2011 to 30th September 2011) No. of Schools Monitored (Primary & Upper Primary ) : 1)North West Delhi : 45 2)West Delhi : 42
1.Regularity in Serving Meal: 2 Cooked meal given to primary and upper primary children regularly. 2. Trends: It was observed during meal serving among present It was observed during meal serving among present children took 15,512 (90%) in Primary and 10820(82.5%) children took 15,512 (90%) in Primary and 10820(82.5%) and (89.5%) in Primary and 8750 (80.7%) in Upper and (89.5%) in Primary and 8750 (80.7%) in Upper Primary schools in North west Delhi and west Delhi. Primary schools in North west Delhi and west Delhi. Opted option not followed in all sampled districts.
3. Regularity in delivering food grains (at) to school/supplier’s kitchen level. 3 Directorate of Education’s appointed Mid-day meal Directorate of Education’s appointed Mid-day meal suppliers received food grains one month in advance. suppliers received food grains one month in advance. MCD appointed suppliers received food grains MCD appointed suppliers received food grains 30 to 40 days after the meals were served. 30 to 40 days after the meals were served. Suppliers reported that most of the time food grain Suppliers reported that most of the time food grain received as per the marked/indicated weight from FCI received as per the marked/indicated weight from FCI godown. godown.
4. Regularity in Delivering cooking cost to school/ MDM supplier. 4 MCD appointed MDM suppliers reported that they MCD appointed MDM suppliers reported that they receive cooking costs on monthly basis. receive cooking costs on monthly basis. Directorate of Education’s appointed MDM suppliers Directorate of Education’s appointed MDM suppliers receive cooking costs after 40 t0 50 days. receive cooking costs after 40 t0 50 days. MDM supplier reported that some DOE schools MDM supplier reported that some DOE schools delayed in preparing bills. delayed in preparing bills. Cooking cost payments are made through banking Cooking cost payments are made through banking channel. channel.
5. Social Equity: 5 It was observed the children eat meals together and It was observed the children eat meals together and no discrimination is practiced in this regard. no discrimination is practiced in this regard.
6. Variety of Menu 6 About 50% MCD and 5% Schools of Directorate of Education About 50% MCD and 5% Schools of Directorate of Education in North West Delhi and about 50% MCD and 36% Schools of in North West Delhi and about 50% MCD and 36% Schools of Directorate of Education in west Delhi have displayed weekly Directorate of Education in west Delhi have displayed weekly menu with details address of MDM suppliers. menu with details address of MDM suppliers. Aided schools have not displayed weekly menu with details Aided schools have not displayed weekly menu with details address of MDM suppliers. address of MDM suppliers. Meals served on six working days Monday to Saturday Meals served on six working days Monday to Saturday comprise three days Rice based and three days wheat comprise three days Rice based and three days wheat based meals. based meals. About 70% children in North West Delhi and 73% in About 70% children in North West Delhi and 73% in West Delhi did not prefer Halwa (wheat based Meal) West Delhi did not prefer Halwa (wheat based Meal) owing to substandard quality. owing to substandard quality.
7. Quality and Quantity of Meal: 7 Invariably the quality of meals not satisfactory and the Invariably the quality of meals not satisfactory and the quantity served was tends to be less than as per the quantity served was tends to be less than as per the regulations. regulations. The quality of the puri tended to be less than satisfactory The quality of the puri tended to be less than satisfactory machine-made puris tend to be hard and sticky. machine-made puris tend to be hard and sticky. Upper primary school children least prefer MDMs owing to Upper primary school children least prefer MDMs owing to sub standard quality and taste. sub standard quality and taste.
8 8. School Health Programme: Micro nutrients and de-worming tablets were given to MCD primary school children's in the last six months. Aided schools children are not covered under scheme. Children’s Health cards are not maintained in any Children’s Health cards are not maintained in any sampled school. sampled school.
9. Status of Cooks : 9 MDM Cooked and served by NGOs and charitable Trusts appointed by the Education Departments.. Suppliers have appointed helper to serve meal to children. Helpers are not appointed as per GOI norms. Helpers are not appointed as per GOI norms. The number of helpers are inadequate in many cases, The number of helpers are inadequate in many cases, helpers were unable to serve meal all the children during helpers were unable to serve meal all the children during the break due to shortage of time. the break due to shortage of time.
10. Infrastructure: 10 There are no kitchen sheds in schools. MDM provided to children through centralised kitchen. Suppliers have set - up centralized Kitchens. LPG used for cooking. LPG used for cooking. Most of the children carry drinking water from their Most of the children carry drinking water from their home. home.
11. Safety and Hygiene: In general, the environment of MDM kitchens in terms of safety and hygiene in cooking and storage could be said to be good. i.e. six points on scale of one to ten. Children not asked to wash hands before meals due to constraint of time. Teacher supervision during meal distribution tend to be insufficient.
12. Community participation: Participation of parents and community monitoring, supervision and distribution of MDM was generally poor in schools. It was observed that most of the schools teachers/ community participants do not taste meals before distribution among children. Community member/VKS/PTA had poor awareness levels on MDM entitlement of cooked meal prescribed by department.
13. Management Information System (MIS): About 51%DOE and 56% MCD schools have maintained MDM register. Majority of MDM in-charge had poor awareness of entitlement and norms prescribed by the department. No records maintained of cooked meal received in DOE and aided schools. Training was not imparted to the MDM in-charge/principals on maintaining of MDM information and register in DOE/aided schools.
14. Staffing: Independent officer not engaged at district /zonal level by Directorate of Education or MCD. 15.Financial Management: Mid day meal supplier did not shown maintenance of account during MI Kitchen visit. THANKS Presentation by: T.K Singh, Project coordinator Centre for the Study of Development Societies, 29, Rajpur Road – , Delhi Mobile No: , ID :
15.Financial Management: Mid day meal supplier did not shown maintenance of account during MI Kitchen visit. THANKS Presentation by: T.K Singh, Project coordinator Centre for the Study of Development Societies, 29, Rajpur Road – , Delhi Mobile No: , ID :