Noncredit Progress Indicators Presented by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Background & Rationale How progress has been measured The interplay of proof of progress and funding The role of CB21 coding Enhanced funding for noncredit Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) courses The need for progress indicators in noncredit
Pilot Project Goals Develop a set of working progress indicators to use in the pilot project Establish clear communication between institution MIS reporting and noncredit programs Collect a pilot set of accountability data based on these indicators Evaluate the ability for noncredit programs to work with these indicators Evaluate the effectiveness of these indicators for use as accountability requirements
Grades and Title : not required for noncredit 55023: currently accepted symbols
Pilot Progress Indicators Pass (P) Satisfactory Progress (SP) No Pass (NP) A – B – C – D - F
Suggested Working Definitions A “P” indicates satisfactory completion of the course. An “SP” indicates satisfactory progress but not completion. An “NP” indicates less than satisfactory progress or lack of information to evaluate.
Measuring Learning Gains Test data demonstrating specific learning gains Teacher’s evaluation of student’s attainment of learning objectives/outcomes A teacher’s observation of a student’s participation and demonstrated classroom performance Promotion
Pilot Project Information Colleges choose which programs to participate Data will only be used for the project The focus of the project is feasibility of the use of progress indicators in noncredit Determine whether to inform your students Establish a clear idea of what progress indicators mean to your college and programs
Timeline First Cohort - Fall 2010 Collection of First Cohort data - February 2011 Second Cohort (expanded - includes First Cohort) - Spring 2011 Collection of Second Cohort data - July 2011 Participant Evaluation of Usability of the Indicators - Fall 2011
CDCP and Progress Indicators What is a CDCP program? Current CDCP reporting Current issues with CDCP reporting Need for clear and attainable sequences Need for processes to collect completion data Need to report completions to the Chancellor’s Office
For More Information Contact the Noncredit Progress Indicator Pilot Project Faculty Lead, Janet Fulks, at Contact the Chair of the Academic Senate Noncredit Committee, Mark Wade Lieu, at