Western Chain Saw Case Analysis
Steps in Analyzing Case Analyze and Record the Current Situation –Threats, Opportunities –Strengths, Weaknesses Identify the Marketing Problem(s) facing Management Formulate, Evaluate and Record Alternative Courses of Action Select, Implement, and Record Chosen Course of Action
Steps in Analyzing Case 1. Analyze and Record the Current External Situation –How complete is the analysis of threats and opportunities? Competition? Size and needs of Customers? Size and growth of Industry? Impact of Economy, Culture, Political, Legal, Technological, Demographic Conditions?
Case Evaluation Criteria Analysis of External Situation –Excellent - Thorough list of threats & opportunities –Satisfactory - Incomplete Analysis –Poor – Merely rehashes facts
Steps in Analyzing Case 2. Analyze and Record the Current Internal Situation –How complete is the analysis of strengths and weaknesses? –Are the following strengths or weaknesses? Target Market? Product? Positioning? Promotion? Price? Distribution?
Case Evaluation Criteria Analysis of Internal Situation –Excellent - Thorough list of strengths & weaknesses –Satisfactory - Incomplete Analysis –Poor – Merely rehashes facts
Steps in Analyzing Case 3. Identify Marketing Problem (Problem which can be solved by manipulating marketing mix). Hint: Formulate as a question. –Is it main problem or secondary? Can it be related to company’s goals? Is it broad enough to pose several alternatives/
Case Evaluation Criteria Statement of Problem –Excellent - Clear, concise statement of main problem and secondary problems stemming from analysis –Satisfactory - Focus on secondary problem(s) –Poor – Focus on wrong problem
Steps in Analyzing Case 4. Identify Alternatives –What alternatives were provided? –What alternatives are missing?
Case Evaluation Criteria Identification of Alternatives –Excellent - Thorough –Satisfactory - One or two alternatives missing –Poor – Very Incomplete
Steps in Analyzing Case 5. Evaluate Alternatives –Use quantitative ( breakeven, market potential ) and qualitative criteria ( goodwill, customer satisfaction ) –Use same criteria across all alternatives
Case Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Alternatives –Excellent – Pros and cons specified; evaluation criteria clear; use both quantitative & qualitative criteria –Satisfactory – Evaluation somewhat vague; similar criteria not applied to all alternatives –Poor – Very incomplete or incompetent evaluation
Steps in Analyzing Case 6. Select Alternative –Pick alternative that best reaches marketing goals –Make recommendation Specific Clear Actionable
Case Evaluation Criteria Recommendation –Excellent - Specific & clear; quantitative & qualitative analysis; consistent with objectives –Satisfactory – Vague or otherwise lacking on criteria stated; minimal justification –Poor – Very vague; NO or incorrect justification; inconsistent with objectives; impractical
Case Evaluation Criteria Overall Evaluation –A - Superior or outstanding case analysis that addresses all aspects of the assignment. Though it may have minor flaws, it is thorough, specific, creative and demonstrates a complete understanding of marketing principles. It is clearly and concisely presented and backed up with thorough analysis. –B – A very good analysis which may well be organized but is weaker in some aspect than a superior report. It may not address all of the case components thoroughly. It may not be as well organized or as specific. –C – A good case analysis and an adequate response to the assignment. This grade is appropriate for reports displaying one or more of the following weaknesses: A situation analysis which only lists facts but does not analyze them; is very poorly organized; contains technical errors; overlooks major aspects of the case; is very superficial. –D – This grade is for reports that are incomplete; contain serious errors in the analysis and in the recommendation or shows little understanding of the assignment. –F – This grade is for reports showing no understanding of the assignment.