removing barriers raising achievement for everyone Top Ten Teamwork Tower Hamlets College
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone We are here
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone Bangladesh 70% Somalia 15% Tower Hamlets College
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone
How we used ILT in the process of inspection… mercury mercury
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone An improving College: Success rates on all long courses at all levels (16-18 and 19+) are above GFE benchmarks League tables show we are the top FE College in London for level 3 points scores and the fifth most improved in the country APS increased by 50% to 196.1, 50 points above the London FE average, 370 into HE, 5 to Cambridge, 6 to UCL Access to HE courses success 12% above regional average Overall achievement (including more external accreditation ) up 8% in Skills for Life
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone Whole college grades: Educational & Social Inclusion Outstanding (1) Student Support & Guidance Outstanding (1) Leadership and Management Outstanding (1) Lesson observation grades: Good or better70% Satisfactory27% Less than satisfactory3%
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone Curriculum grades Sciences and MathematicsGrade 2 – Good (Maths contributory Grade 1 - Outstanding) Business Grade 2 – Good Information & Communications Technology Grade 2 – Good Hairdressing & Beauty TherapyGrade 3 – Satisfactory Health, Social Care & Public ServicesGrade 2 – Good Visual & Performing Arts and MediaGrade 2 – Good HumanitiesGrade 2 – Good Learning Difficulties & DisabilitiesGrade 3 – Satisfactory ESOLGrade 2 – Good Literacy & NumeracyGrade 1 – Outstanding
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone How ILQ helped with Inspection… ILQ Development Plan and strategy derived from whole college ILT strategy Interview training/SAR discussions with consultants across all programme and service areas Lesson observation training for all teaching staff
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone More… CIS Superusers scheme Head of ILQ audited all schemes of work and course reviews in each programme area Internal Quality Reviews in all college areas
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone Yet more… Peer and managers observations inc. LELOP 5 annual x-college staff development days. Over 150 sessions attended by over 500 staff 'sharing good practice ' 'sharing good practice '
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone ILT… Pro-active ILT developments, systems and skills for a number of years e.g. not just prior to inspection - including: VLE/Curriculum Web ILT Leaders/ILQ Team ILT Training – OCR Diploma – TALWILT Ongoing investment in classroom and central ILT kit e.g. IWB’s Digital Cameras
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone ILT…VLE/Curweb Early adoptors of WebCT – some success but realised wasn’t going to foster cross-curriculum sharing Built curweb for this purpose easy to use and contribute with ethos of sharing externally too
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone ILT…ILT Leaders First year 2hrs remission – thereafter 5hrs - most programme areas covered Wide range of projects - all leaders project managed and contracted to deliver team based and cross-college staff development sessions.
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone ILT…ILT Training/Staff Development OCR Diploma in ICT for Teachers and Trainers – level 4 Teaching And Learning With ILT (TALWILT) level 3 Long history of staff dev including bite size and one to one support
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone ILT…Kit Ongoing investment in kit – systems, classroom based and central resources – including well equipped training rooms Strategy to equip classrooms with full kit e.g. IWB + Data Proj + Fixed PC + amplified audio/video/DVD
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone ILT…But! RSC pre-inspection health check produced some worrying results: Some things we knew we were doing well were missed (by ILT Experts!) and some of our colleagues weren’t doing themselves or us justice e.g. “no we don’t have an intranet”
removing barriers raising achievement for everyone ILT…So… Headline pages documenting summary view of all ILT activity ILT Leaders tasked to update teams/colleagues and offer further ILT support ILQ Team even more pro-active in lead up to inspection Key details discussed with inspectors f2f