Parent Information for VCE and VCAL 2012
Possible Pathways Year 10 VCE Year 10 VCAL Year 10 TAFE, Apprenticeship or Employment
Possible Pathways Year 11 VCE Year 12 VCE Year 11 VCE Year 12 VCAL Year 11 VCAL Year 12 VCAL Year 11 VCE or VCAL TAFE, Apprenticeship or Employment
Possible Pathways Year 12 VCE University, TAFE, Apprenticeship or Employment Year 12 VCAL TAFE, Apprenticeship or Employment
VCE VCE is a 2 year course Most students study Unit 1 & 2 subjects in Year 11 and Unit 3 & 4 subjects in Year 12 Capable Year 10 students may enrol in some Unit 1 & 2 subjects Capable Year 11 students and may enrol in some Unit 3 & 4 subjects
Year 11 VCE Students enroll in twelve Units in Year 11 (6 subjects, language outside school is an extra subject) For Units 1 & 2 in all subjects assessment is school based Students receive grades for each assessment task Overall S (Satisfactory) or N (Not satisfactory) for the unit.
Year 11 VCE cont It is possible for a student to change a Unit 1 / 2 subject midyear
Year 12 VCE Students enrol in 10 Units of 3 /4 subjects Unit 3 & 4 subjects are taken as a sequence A student cannot change a 3 /4 subject midyear Assessment is both school based and external School assessed course (SACs) School assessed tasks (SATs) External exams, set by VCAA
Year 12 VCE cont Year 12 marks (no more school grades) are processed into study scores by VCAA. These marks will change due to moderation. All grades from VCAA, these result from SACs, SATs and external exams Overall S (Satisfactory) or N (Not satisfactory) for the unit.
VCE Certificate 16 Units minimum Students must satisfactorily complete- – three units of English/Literature/ESL – three 3/4 unit sequences other than English over years 11 and 12 Students must satisfactorily complete English or English Literature Units 3/4 if they are to get an ATAR score.
What to expect from Year 10 Year 11 90% attendance compulsory INCREASED WORKLOAD : Class work & Homework School Assessed Coursework (SACs) (SATs) assessed A+ to UG (Ungraded) Authentication Unit Result Satisfactory (S)/Not Satisfactory (N) Exams
What Year 10 students should do Read the VCE/VCAL Handbook Speak to the Career Coordinators Think about their possible future career Choose subjects they enjoy and are good at Ensure the subject choices allow them to enter the higher education courses or careers that they wish to follow Check the VICTER 2014 for VCE Prerequisite subjects
Consider your academic ability Be realistic
What Not To Do Students should not choose subjects based on: - What their friends are choosing - Who the teacher might be - Easy subjects (there are no “easy” VCE subjects)
Year 11 VCE Selection timeline Students choose their subjects for both Year 11 and 12 to meet VCE requirements Year 11 Subject selection forms due 19 th August Year 11 Subject confirmation12 th December Year 11 Orientation Day is 14 th December
Year 11 Subject selection form
Year 12 Subject Selection Most students have selected most of their subjects, based on their Year 11 course In order to continue with a subject in Year 12 it is expected a student will have achieved a C average or better in the subject during Year 11 Students who have not achieved this on their midyear report – will need to work very hard this semester to improve their grades – may need to reconsider if VCE the best option for them
How Many Year 12 Subjects Students must enrol in five 3/4 Units at school. If students choose to do a language outside of school they must still enrol in at least five 3/4 Units at school. A sixth 3/4 Unit adds 10% to an ATAR score however a seventh does not count.
Will I get all subjects I choose? Some students will not get all of their first preferences because: – Timetable clashes with other subjects – Some subjects may not run/restrictions – Staffing- there may only be enough qualified staff Students should choose second preferences carefully Students get most of their preferences most of the time
Year 12 VCE Selection timeline Students choose their subjects for Year 12 Year 12 Subject selection forms due 19 th August Year 12 Subject confirmation 2nd December Year 12 Orientation Week is 5 th -9 th December
Year 12 Subject selection form
Year 12 Orientation Week Provides a week long head start for students in Year 12 Compulsory for all Year 12 students Year 11 students doing a Year 12 subject must also attend
ATAR Score – University Entrance Raw ‘ study scores ’ for each subject are adjusted by VTAC according to their ‘ degree of difficulty ’ Scaled scores are added together according to the following formula: ENGLISH (either) + 3 NEXT BEST SCORABLE SUBJECTS + 10% of 5 th SUBJECT + 10% of 6 th SUBJECT (if relevant) This total is known as ‘ the aggregate ’ The ranking of this aggregate = the ATAR
Scaling What is scaling? VTAC increases or decreases Yr 12 study scores according to their “difficulty” when creating the ENTER for Tertiary entrance Should it to affect my VCE subject choices? Case Study: oMaths Methods29+ 5=34 oFurther Maths37- 2=35 In other words… NO
What we will do Offer a 2 Year program in Study skills Identify and encourage high achievers Offer after school, lunchtime and holiday classes Offer general and subject specific exam skills training and formal trial exam week in October Prepare students for the GAT
Student Commitment There needs to be a balance between sport, work and school As students have returned to school there is an assumption that the VCE is their priority. The GPSC 90% attendance policy is enforced in Year 12 and Year 11 No overseas holidays will be approved in Year 11 or Year 12
If you wish to apply to VCAA for special examination arrangements on the basis of a long term condition, you must begin the application process in Applications to VCAA are finalised in February of your Year 12 year, so you should speak to us now! Special Provision- Year 12
Maths Pathways
Mainstream pathways OR Year 10 Methods FoundationMaths General Maths F FurtherMaths General Maths M & Math Methods &SpecialistMaths Year 10 Year 12 Year 11 Foundation maths does NOT lead into Year 12 Maths Enrichment Maths (Year 10 elective ) FoundationMaths(VCE) Year 10 Further
General Maths M and Maths Methods Generally taken as a package Leads to all year 12 Maths pathways Algebra is a big part of these subjects Focus is to prepare students to successfully study Math Methods or Maths Methods & Specialist Maths in Year 12 Appropriate for any university course requiring maths – (Some courses require Specialist Maths)
VCAL Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning VCAL is about hands-on learning Purpose of VCAL is to provide students with what they need to gain employment in their chosen field.
VCAL Certificates FOUNDATION INTERMEDIATE SENIOR Each certificate increases in difficulty in the required skills and tasks to be completed. To gain a certificate successfully, you need to have completed the required VET and Work Placement hours as well as projects and also the prerequisite subjects to attain each VCAL certificate
VCAL Requirements Literacy - English Numeracy- Mathematics Work Related Skills- is designed to teach you about the work force, how to gain employment, workplace rights and unions and many more. Personal Development Skills- is designed to teach you about improvement in people skills, personal skills, knowledge of health and also project work. VET- there are various VET subjects you can do at school, TAFE and School Based Apprenticeship
VET Subjects provide students with nationally recognised qualification that will assist them with gaining employment At school – VET Business Administration, Creative Industries & Sport and Recreation At TAFE – Wide variety of choice eg. Electrotechnology, hairdressing. One day per week at TAFE. Cost
Work Placement – part of WRS 1 day per week in a relevant industry Students must find their own work placement Must do 100 hours of work placement in a year If you do not spend enough time at work placement, you will be unable to achieve any VCAL certificate, regardless of what class work has been completed
School based Apprenticeship is where you study at school and TAFE and do one day of work placement. It is an apprenticeship while at school.
The VCAL typical week 1 day work placement I day TAFE, if doing VET at TAFE Rest of the time in timetabled classes at school Monday and Friday all VCAL students must be in class TAFE and work placement can only occur on Tues, Wed or Thurs
The VCAL Student must Be trustworthy Be prepared to work hard VCAL Students do not get an ATAR score at the end of year 12
Applying for VCAL Attend an Assembly on Monday 15 th August Submit your application by Monday 22 nd August Attend a VCAL interview During the interview work ethic, behaviour, attendance, future employment goals and determination are taken into account.
Changing from VCE to VCAL? Applications due in Thursday 12 th August Interview process will start the following week
Year 12 Careers Careers Centre Subject selection VTAC, ATAR and Scaling Year 12 timeline
GPSC Careers Centre Open before and after school, recess and lunch time Information on Open Days, apprenticeships and traineeships University and Tafe handbooks Job Guides, Career Events, VTAC Guides, scholarships, Special Entry Programs, Careers column in School Newsletter Tertiary Information Session (TIS) excursion Career counselling and pathway planning
Year 12 timeline Term 1Finalise Career direction March/April VCE and Careers Expo TIS at LaTrobe University June/JulyRegister and sit UMAT JulyVTAC process begins
Year 12 timeline - continued August Tafe and University Open Days Direct applications submitted SeptemberVTAC applications close December VCE Results, ATAR January University and Tafe offers
GPSC Career Centre University and TAFE Handbooks Information on Open Days, courses, ATAR, VTAC Guides, Job Guides, University scholarships, Special Entry Programs, Career Information Events, apprenticeships and traineeships Careers column in School Newsletter VTAC support for students Tertiary Information Session (TIS) excursion Individual counselling Assistance with pathways plans
Contact details Jocelyn Kurrle George Georgostathis Phone: