Shauna Green Nolan Samuelson, Student Teacher Lisa Halvorsen, Resource Teacher
8:00-9:00 MATH 6 9:02-9:44 Social Studies (block 1, period 2) 9:46-10:28 Social Studies (block 2, period 3) 10:30-11:12 Language Arts 11:12-11:42 Team 6A LUNCH 11:42-1:08 Language Arts 1:12-2:03 Academic Connections (Team Planning) 2:08-2:58 Academic Connections (Curriculum/Lesson Planning)
Materials Needed: Planner & Pencil Math Folder w/Current BIG IDEAS worksheets Math Spiral {includes daily ‘Warm Up’ practice and math notes} Math Book: Middle School Math Course 1 published by HOLT
Letter grades (A, B, C, D, F) based entirely on TESTS Tests over ‘Big Ideas’ (in bold on syllabus card) such as “Evaluate and Compare Whole Numbers and Exponents” are each worth 100 points. On some tests, ‘Big Ideas’ from previous chapters will be revisited. These retest opportunities will count as 25 points toward the summative grade. If a student does better on the retest opportunity than he/she did on the original test, the original score will be updated and replaced. After several ‘Big Ideas’ tests, we will have a Cumulative Assessment to measure the learning and retention of concepts previously tested. Work/Study grades and Social/Behavior grades (Commendable, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement) are based on formative grades and daily observations and performance in class.
Online Connections: Book Connections & Activities: tml Other fact practice: ad_minute_mathhttp:// ad_minute_math
Materials Needed: Planner Pencil Social Studies FOLDER Geography Packet OR Atlas OR Africa text OR Latin America text
CNN STUDENT NEWS SEMESTER ONE Geography Review Africa SEMESTER TWO Latin America Voyage of the Mimi Part II
Work/Study grades and Social/Behavior grades (Commendable, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement) are based on formative grades and daily observations and performance in class.Geography Review and will have classroom packets AFRICA and LATIN AMERICA will have worksheet packets that correspond with each Section in the textbook
Summative Letter grades (A, B, C, D, F) at the Middle Level are based on summative QUIZZES, TESTS and PROJECTS QUIZZES for Africa and Latin America are OPEN NOTE and will be included in the Chapter packets that we use for review in class TESTS will occur at the end of textbook chapters PROJECT that corresponds Geography Review Africa Latin America
Materials Needed: Planner Pencil Personal Reading Book Language Arts BINDER* Writer’s Notebook* Wonders 'KEY' book* Wonders 'LOCK' book* *These items are kept in the classroom.
Language Arts is a two period class in 6 th grade that includes Spelling, Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, and Writing. In our class, we will have formative practice work to learn and practice skills (graphic organizers in Reading, specific book exercises in Grammar, and review worksheet for Vocabulary). We will also have summative assessments to measure what students have learned after we have taught course objectives (summative assessments include Spelling Tests, Reading Comprehension Tests, Vocabulary Tests, Grammar Quizzes, Writing Rubrics).
Letter grades (A, B, C, D, F) at the Middle Level are based entirely on summative assessments. The ‘formula’ for your student’s overall Language Arts grade will be based on the following: Reading Comprehension-40% Writing/Grammar 30% Vocabulary/Word Analysis- 15% Spelling-10% Speaking/listening-5%. Work/Study grades and Social/Behavior grades (Commendable, Satisfactory, Needs Improvement) are based on formative grades and daily observations and performance in class.
5 day ‘cycle’ Day 1: Introduce Reading Focus, Vocabulary, Spelling Day 2: Reading and Writing Day 3: Reading, Writing, Grammar Day 4: Reading, Writing, Grammar, Review Day 5: TEST Reading, Vocab, Spelling, Grammar
Student-led Parent Conferences Students will share Portfolio of Work Focus on Language Arts and Math 15 minute sign-up slots Sign up tonight We’ll send home confirmation letters next week
Irving Website Mrs. Green’s Website Wonders Website Holt Online THANK YOU FOR COMING TONIGHT! See you at conferences. Shauna Green