Raven Sumner Financial Aid Counselor University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Types of Appeals Satisfactory Academic Progress Special Considerations Cost of Attendance Special Circumstances Dependency Status
Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements: 2.0 cumulative GPA for Undergraduate students 3.0 cumulative GPA for Graduate students Must successfully complete 70% of your classes attempted Graduate within 186 credit hours first baccalaureate degree or 231 for second baccalaureate degree Satisfactory academic progress is monitored at the end of every semester. Warning Semester: The semester after the first semester student did not meet SAP requirements. Disqualification: The semester after second semester of not meeting SAP requirements. Student is no longer be eligible to receive financial aid assistance.
SAP Appeal Process A student whose financial aid was disqualified for not meeting the SAP requirements has the right to appeal mitigating circumstances to the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office. To initiate an appeal, a student must complete a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form available on the forms page. Satisfactory Academic Progress appeals are reviewed by a committee comprised of financial aid counselors. Individualized consideration is provided to students based upon his or her circumstances and supporting evidence provided within the appeal. The committee’s decision is final and cannot be appealed to the U.S. Department of Education or other UNLV employee per federal financial aid regulations.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Documentation of Extenuating Circumstance(s) Documentation from Medical Provider Death Certificate Police Report Demonstrate a reasonable effort was made during Warning semester to resolve SAP issue. Resolution of the circumstances that led to Disqualification Plan of Study that will led the student towards academic success
Special Consideration: Cost of Attendance Process for students to document qualifying expenses above the standard Cost of Attendance budget to increase their budget only Does not provide student with more financial aid funds if they have already reached their maximum limits Expenses must be incurred during the academic year Allowable expenses: Limited Transportation Study Abroad Cooperative Education Dependent Care Disability Personal Computer purchase (one time) Professional Conferences Professional memberships/subscriptions Health insurance
Special Consideration: Cost of Attendance Documentation includes but may not be limited to: Letter of Appeal by student explaining: Why they are requesting a cost of attendance review; Reason(s) they were unable to meet their current expenses and financial obligations; and Any change in financial situation that has impacted their ability to meet the current expenses and other financial obligations. Copies of official receipts or statements of expenses incurred For transportation expenses, also need a copy of current vehicle registration
Special Consideration: Special Circumstances Circumstances are measured by calendar year For example, FAFSA requires tax information from 2013 calendar year. Student can appeal changes in the 2014 calendar year for the academic year. Changes that occur in 2015 calendar year affect academic year. Report a substantial change in income Divorce/separation or death of spouse Unusual expenses paid such as exceptionally high dental/medical expenses Change in child support/alimony payments
Special Consideration: Special Circumstances Documentation can include but may not be limited to: Letter explaining the details of the changes that occurred Changes in income are documented by IRS Tax Return Transcript for the calendar year. (2014 tax return to change the FAFSA) Divorce decrees/Separation documentation Death certificates Receipts or bills of medical expenses Must verify the FAFSA’s current information prior to make any changes
Special Considerations: Dependency Status How the dependency is determined by the FAFSA for : Born before January 1, 1991 Married as of the date of filing the FAFSA Graduate or professional student Veteran of Armed Forces or on active duty Has children or other legal dependents who received 51% of support from applicant Since age 13 was in foster care, ward of the court, or both parents deceased Emancipated minor or in legal guardianship with someone other than their parents Certified as Homeless, at risk, or unaccompanied youth by proper authorities
Special Considerations: Dependency Status Document extenuating circumstances such as, but not limited to: Abusive family environment (sexual, physical, domestic violence) Abandonment by parents Incarceration or institutionalization of parents Parents lacking the physical or mental capacity to raise the child Parents hospitalization for an extended period
Special Considerations: Dependency Status Extenuating circumstances must be well documented Police reports Reports from social services office Detailed letter by student stating the specific circumstances Two detailed letters of support from knowledgeable sources One of these letters MUST be from a professional, knowledgeable third party such as a counselor, minister, attorney, educator, doctor, or social worker. Must be on official letterhead. Committee meets to carefully examine the documentation and render a decision
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