Comenius Presentation
Our school (The International School) Since September 2010, our school has been refurbished and opens in February The new school has quality assurance as its core.
External Quality Assurance All educational institutions whether state funded or privately funded are subject to inspections by the regulator Ofsted. Ofsted have a mandate to inspect the quality of education and judge schools to be: Outstanding Good Satisfactory (soon to become Requires Improvement) Inadequate (schools placed in serious weaknesses face closure) Our school has been inspected at regular intervals, most recently in November 2011 where we secured a judgement of satisfactory with good and outstanding elements. Whilst there are many criteria Ofsted use to determine this judgement, the main are quality of teaching and quality of learning (as determined by results from students aged 16 and 18).
Internal Quality Assurance The International School has a small team dedicated to improving teaching and learning. The Teaching & Learning team are: Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Clare Mills Assistant Headteacher: Mr Andrew Marshall Advanced Skills Teacher (AST): Mrs Liz Jobling The Teaching & Learning Policy (as devised by the T&L Team) is designed to promote excellence and raise standards through: Continuing professional development (CPD), The monitoring and observing of staff; Intervening and supporting where necessary.
Performance Management All teachers have to complete an annual performance management review with their line manager. The performance management process allows teachers to follow a plan-do-review process of setting and reviewing targets for each academic year. This is especially important for unqualified and newly qualified teachers, as well as teachers seeking promotion as the outcome of the performance management review can determine pay progression. Teachers can use an array of evidence to support promotion including examination results of students or formative data showing a significant improvement in progress.
Performance Management Extract from my performance management Part of the whole-school monitoring cycle (once per year)
Staff Performance (Teaching)
Leadership Book Monitoring All teaching staff follow a three cycle annual review. One lesson will be formally observed by leadership; Two lessons will be informally observed by leadership team looking at a particular feature of teaching and learning e.g. AfL Three assessment check that will look at the quality of marking in exercise books and quality of levelling or grading in formative assessments.
Leadership Book Monitoring Extract from my book monitoring Now part of the whole-school monitoring cycle (six per year)
Staff Performance (Marking) A selected faculty
Staff Training Unqualified (UQTs) and newly qualified teachers (NQTs) follow a programme of training run by the Teaching & Learning Team. The programme of 25 workshops focus on key areas of teaching and learning; divided into 3 strands – planning, delivering, assessing. Self-evaluation and peer-evaluation are used to identify needs. Training Needs Analysis Professional Development Workshops Action Learning (small groups) Coaching (one-on-one) Mentoring (one-on-one)
Staff Training (The Training Needs Analysis) The Training Needs Analysis Workshops take place for all of the strands of teaching & learning.
Staff Training (Coaching) Join a study lesson as an observer and participate in the post-lesson pupil interview and discussion. Use the learning from this cycle to build expertise. These teachers can model techniques to team members Together the group discusses what they have seen and use the ideas to plan a lesson(s) Lead teacher models technique to group