Are you... Are you.. Female?5667% Male?2833% Other?00 Total84100%
What stage of your doctoral studies are you? At the start2023,5% In the middle4350,6% At the end2225,9% Total85100,0%
Do you feel your work is meaningful and stimulating? Yes, usually3945,9% Yes, quite often3642,4% No, quite rarely1011,8% No, very rarely00,0% Total85100,0%
What opportunities do you have to decide the rate at which you work on your thesis? Great opportunities2428,9% Fairly good opportunities3643,4% Neither great nor limited opportunities1619,3% Quite limited opportunities44,8% Very limited opportunities33,6% Total83100,0%
What opportunities do you have to decide the rate at which you work in your other departmental duties, such as teaching? Great opportunities1619,3% Fairly good opportunities3947,0% Neither great nor limited opportunities1214,5% Quite limited opportunities1012,0% Very limited opportunities67,2% Total83100,0%
What opportunities do you have to decide how you will carry out your thesis work? Great opportunities3339,3% Fairly good opportunities3642,9% Neither great nor limited opportunities910,7% Quite limited opportunities44,8% Very limited opportunities22,4% Total84100,0%
What opportunities do you have to decide the focus of your other departmental duties, such as teaching? Great opportunities1012,2% Fairly good opportunities3846,3% Neither great nor limited opportunities1518,3% Quite limited opportunities1113,4% Very limited opportunities89,8% Total82100,0%
Very satisfactory1214,6% Largely satisfactory2834,1% Acceptable2226,8% Farily unsatisfactory1214,6% Very unsatisafactory89,8% Total82100,0% How do you feel about the work and cooperation climate at your workplace?
How do you feel about the contact and cooperation with your supervisors? Very satisfactory4148,2% Largely satisfactory2124,7% Acceptable1618,8% Farily unsatisfactory44,7% Very unsatisafactory33,5% Total85100,0%
To what extent do you feel that your supervisors take your views into account? To a very large extent4452,4% To quite a large extent2529,8% To a certain extent910,7% To a fairly limited extent33,6% To a very limited extent33,6% Total84100,0%
To what extent do you get feedback from your supervisors on how you carry out your work? To a very large extent2934,9% To quite a large extent2631,3% To a certain extent1619,3% To a fairly limited extent910,8% To a very limited extent33,6% Total83100,0%
I feel completely free to express critical views2631,0% I feel generally free to express critical views3136,9% I sometimes hesitate1315,5% I often hesitate to express critical views1011,9% I always hesitate to express critical views44,8% Total84100,0% To what extent do you feel free to speak openly with your supervisors on what you think about issues that affect your work and work situation, even if the issues are of a critical nature?
Very satisfied89,6% Quite satisfied3845,8% Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied2631,3% Quite dissatisfied78,4% Very dissatisfied44,8% Total83100,0% How satisfied are you with the information you receive in order to be able to carry out your work, e.g. at dep meetings?
To a very large extent4351,2% To quite a large extent3238,1% To a certain extent78,3% To a fairly limited extent11,2% To a very limited extent11,2% Total84100,0% To what extent do you find your work to be interesteing and stimulating?
How would describe your work? Varied and consisting of many different work duties2833,7% Quite varied2934,9% It can be both monotonous and varied2428,9% Quite monotonous11,2% Very monotonous11,2% Total83100,0%
How do you usually feel on your way to work? I feel happy and satisfied1922,6% I have quite a positive feeling about work4047,6% I have neither positive nor negative feelings about work910,7% I feel a certain reluctance to go to work1315,5% I feel a strong reluctance to go to work33,6% Total84100,0%
How do you feel about your relationship with your fellow doctoral students? Very good2631,0% Largely good4452,4% Acceptable910,7% Not particularly good56,0% Bad00,0% Total84100,0%
How do you feel about your relationship with other dep staff? Very good1315,7% Largely good5161,4% Acceptable1315,7% Not particularly good56,0% Bad11,2% Total83100,0%
To what extent do you feel rushed at work? To a very large extent2024,1% To quite a large extent2833,7% to a certain extent2327,7% To a fairly limited extent1113,3% To a very limited extent11,2% Total83100,0%
How do you view your workload? Just right, never a problem in any way00,0% Heavy on occasion, but usually just right2631,3% Heavy from time to time3744,6% Often worryingly heavy1518,1% Very often worryingly heavy56,0% Total83100,0%
To what extent do you feel that your work is mentally stressful? To a very limited extent33,7% To a fairly limited extent89,8% To a certain extent1923,2% To quite a large extent3239,0% To a very large extent2024,4% Total82100,0%
Do you usually feel tired and completely exhausted when you get home from work? No, not at all11,2% No, rarely1012,2% Occasionally3542,7% Yes, it happens quite often2024,4% Yes, usually1619,5% Total82100,0%
In the past few months, have you expericenced tension, pain, insomnia, worry or similar problems that you believe are mainly attributable to your current work situation? Never89,6% Rarely1922,9% Sometimes2226,5% Often2024,1% Very often1416,9% Total83100,0%
To a very limited extent67,1% To a fairly limited extent2327,4% To a certain extent2327,4% To quite a large extent2023,8% To a very large extent1214,3% Total84100,0% To what extent do you feel worried about your future career/employment?
To what extent do you feel that there is bullying, harassment and other forms of victimisation in your workplace? To a very limited extent3846,3% To a fairly limited extent2935,4% To a certain extent1012,2% To quite a large extent33,7% To a very large extent22,4% Total82100,0%
Have you been exposed to bullying, harassment or other forms of victimisation in your workplace? Yes1619,3% No6780,7% Total83100,0%
Yes, always1012,5% Yes, usually3442,5% On and off1721,3% No, often not1518,8% No, not at all45,0% Total80100,0% Are you able to have a normal family life with your current workload and schedule?