1 Management Review Board (MRB): Roles and Responsibilities for the OAS Liaison Richmond, Virginia August 22, 2011
2 AGENDA Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) Overview Management Review Board (MRB) Overview MRB Decision Making Agreement State Perspective Shared Experiences Questions and Answers
OBJECTIVE To provide OAS Program Directors with the knowledge and tools necessary for service on a Management Review Board 3
REFERENCES Management Directive 5.6, “Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP)” SA-100, “Implementation of IMPEP” SA-106, “The Management Review Board” 4
IMPEP OVERVIEW Performance Indicators Recommendations RatingsFindings IMPEP 5
COMMON PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Technical Staffing and Training Status of Materials Inspection Program Technical Quality of Inspections Technical Quality of Licensing Actions Technical Quality of Incident and Allegation Activities 6
NON-COMMON PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Compatibility Requirements Sealed Source and Device Evaluation Program Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Program Uranium Recovery Program 7
RECOMMENDATIONS Comments that relate directly to program performance (weaknesses) Intended to be constructive and promote improvement Should focus on the underlying cause of a weakness Performance-based 8
GOOD PRACTICES Innovative and effective practices that might be used to enhance aspects of other programs Only identified as a Good Practice during first encounter 9
INDICATOR RATINGS Satisfactory Satisfactory, but Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory 10
INDICATOR RATINGS Decision process for arriving at an indicator finding is based on the criteria found in: –Management Directive (MD)
PROGRAM FINDINGS: ADEQUACY Adequate To Protect Public Health and Safety Adequate, But Needs Improvement Inadequate To Protect Public Health and Safety 12
MRB OVERVIEW MembersRoles Meeting Meeting Structure MRB 14
MRB – WHO IS IT? Deputy Executive Director for Materials, Waste, Research, State, Tribal and Compliance Programs (DEDMRT) Office of General Counsel Representative Director, Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs (FSME) Regional Administrator from an NRC Region Agreement State Liaison 15
MRB – WHAT DO THEY DO? Overall assessment of adequacy of compatibility –IMPEP team’s report –Information provided by Region or State –Need for monitoring, heightened oversight, or more IMPEP policy and implementation Convene to evaluate special reviews 16
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE OAS LIAISON Provide opinion of IMPEP team’s findings and recommendation Provide insight on all matters discussed in MRB meeting Review all documentation provided to MRB in advance of the meeting 17
MRB MEETINGS Attended by: –MRB members –IMPEP team –State/Regional representative(s) –IMPEP Project Management –Interested NRC staff –Public 18
MRB MEETING STRUCTURE Indicator-by-indicator discussions including any revisions/changes to report language, recommendations, ratings, and findings Final decision on adequacy and compatibility Timing of next IMPEP review Additional Topics 19
MRB DECISION MAKING Next IMPEP & Periodic Monitoring Heightened Oversight Probation Decision Making 20
Next IMPEP & Periodic IMPEP cycle is typically 4 years Periodics are mid-cycle reviews IMPEP cycle may be increased or decreased depending on performance Periodic frequency may be increased or decreased depending on performance 21
MONITORING An informal process to maintain increased communications with a Program Can be considered based on IMPEP review or periodic meeting results Requires an action plan and quarterly conference calls 22
HEIGHTENED OVERSIGHT A formal process to maintain increased communications and to assess Program performance improvements Can be considered based on IMPEP review or periodic meeting results Requires a Program Improvement Plan, bimonthly calls, and onsite follow-up in approximately one year 23
PROBATION A very formal process requiring Commission approval Similar to Heightened Oversight, but includes: –Notification to State Governor –Notification to State’s Congressional delegation –Publication in Federal Register –Press Release 24
SPECIAL MRB Scheduled on as needed basis Mechanism to communicate periodic meeting results to senior management –Periodic meetings serve as forums to exchange information about program status and performance Special MRB can direct a program toward or discontinue Monitoring and Heightened Oversight 25