16/07/2013 Ashok Tailor Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Manager Jacky Richardson Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Assistant
A Big and Very Warm Welcome to Luton NQT INDUCTION
What does ‘NQT’ mean? Statutory induction period (3 terms / 195 days) Termly assessment against the teachers’ standards, informed by half termly formal observations and progress meetings At end of period, school recommends outcome LA decides NCTL ratifies
The Relevant Standards The Teachers’ Standards will be used to assess an NQT’s performance at the end of their induction period. The decision about whether an NQT’s performance against the relevant standards is satisfactory upon completion of induction should take into account the NQT’s work context and must be made on the basis of what can be reasonably expected of an NQT by the end of their induction period within the framework set out by the standards. Judgements should reflect the expectation that NQTs have effectively consolidated their initial teacher training (ITT) and demonstrated their ability to meet the relevant standards consistently over a sustained period in their practice.
Teachers’ Standards Part 1 Part 2 Set High Expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge Plan and teach well structured lessons Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils Make accurate and productive use of assessment Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment Fulfill wider professional responsibilities Part 2 Personal and Professional Conduct
Statutory Requirements for Induction access to a designated induction tutor a teaching timetable equivalent to 90% of that normally allocated to teachers in the school. over and above the contractual entitlement to PPA time; observation of the NQT’s work and follow up discussion. Opportunities for the NQT to observe experienced teachers; half-termly professional reviews of progress, pre-arranged meeting between the NQT and their induction tutor professional development opportunities rigorous and fair assessment of the NQT’s professional practice including formal assessment meetings at the end of each term.
So what do I have to do? Demonstrate that you have gained QTS and passed the skills test Accumulate evidence towards meeting the teachers’ standards Have met the teachers’ standards by the end of the induction period Make a comment on your termly assessment form Keep a portfolio of the CPD Received
What does the school do? Register you with Ashok at the start of the year Support, challenge, assess Formal observations at regular intervals Arrange regular mentor meetings Hold half-termly progress review meetings Keep records and submit termly assessment forms to Ashok on deadline (see termly newsletter for dates)
The Role of the Appropriate Body Register you with the NCTL and keep records of your assessment Identify a named contact with whom to raise concerns. If your school Ashok Tailor, Teacher Recruitment and Workforce Development Manager ashok.tailor@luton.gov.uk , 01582 548078 QA the induction support programme provided by the school Intervene where there are issues Decide in the light of the Head teacher’s recommendations whether you have satisfactorily completed the induction period and inform all concerned of the decision Carry out observations of a random sample of NQTs Provide guidance, support and assistance to schools on induction
What if things aren’t going to plan? Don’t suffer in silence Talk to your mentor Talk to your head Talk to Ashok Seek Union advice Procedure School action plan Monitoring visit(s) from John LA observation
Professional Development Portfolio for Newly Qualified Teachers Click on Resources Section Search for NQT http://www.schoolsupport.luton.gov.uk/resources
Section 1 Introduction and summary of statutory requirements for induction Contents Statutory requirements for induction Roles and responsibilities Head teachers Governing bodies Induction tutors Newly qualified teachers LAs Induction year planner Monitoring checklist Management implications of the statutory induction arrangements for NQTs NQTs who move schools during induction This section will help you to use this portfolio effectively. It will provide you with background information on the induction of newly qualified teachers and a guide to help you plan the year. It will also inform you of the statutory requirements for the induction of newly qualified teachers.
Section 2 Record of past professional developments and experience Contents Career Entry and Development Profile Transition Point One Your curriculum vitae (CV) Your work experiences Your other skills and interests This section is for you to record details of your initial teacher training and your own particular skills and interests.
Section 3 Your roles and responsibilities in school Contents Finding out about your school On appointment to your school (checklist) Names and contacts
Section 4 Your induction year Contents Your induction year A Transition Point Two B Review meetings: setting objectives and writing action plans Formats for action planning QTS and Teachers’ Standards: reviewing your progress Grids showing Teachers’ Standards for Induction purposes Prompt questions for self-review C Assessment of your progress towards meeting Teachers’ Standards Where progress is less than satisfactory Development strategies: a) Observing experienced teachers b) Evaluating your own teaching In this section you will find guidance and resources to help you keep a record of your professional development and the monitoring, support and assessment your school provides for you.
Section 5 End of year review and further Professional development Contents Reviewing your first year of teaching Transition Point Three Identifying objectives for your second year of teaching Successful completion of your induction year Where next? Reflecting on progress Maintaining a professional portfolio throughout your career Performance Management This section will help you to review your whole year as a newly qualified teacher and to plan for your continuing professional development.
Section 6 Mentoring: the role of the Induction tutor Contents The role of the induction tutor The knowledge and skills of an induction tutor Checklist of induction tutor tasks Induction tutor log/action plan Proforma for record of mentoring session Classroom observation Lesson observation proforma Professional review meetings Summative assessment meetings Procedures for supporting NQTs who are not making satisfactory progress throughout their induction period Reviewing the year: reflecting on professional development This section includes information and guidance to help the induction tutor set up and develop the monitoring, support and assessment arrangements for the induction year.
Sections 7 & 8 : Appendices Teachers’ Standards 2012 Section 8 Interim Assessment form (for use in terms 1 and 2, and for mid-term departures) Final Assessment form Completed example of an assessment form
The Newly Qualified Teacher assessment process in Luton When do Assessment Records need to be submitted? The relevant sections of the Assessment Record should be completed and submitted at the end of each period of induction (each term). These should be received by the due date given for the end of each term - as below for the 2013/2014 academic year: Term Assessment Deadline Autumn 12 December 2013 Spring 27 March 2014 Summer 10 July 2014 If you are undertaking induction away from the 'scaffolding' of the academic calendar, or on a part-time basis, your due dates will be different to those above. We strongly suggest that no formal assessment meeting is planned for the last week of a term.
For more information: The Learning Platform www.primaryluton.co.uk, and look in ‘My Classes’ for NQTs 2013-14 The National College for Teaching and Leadership www.nationalcollege.org.uk Supporting the Induction Process – TDA guidance for newly qualified teachers Professional standards for teachers – core DfE, www.education.gov.uk for: Statutory Guidance on Induction for Newly Qualified Teachers in England Professional Association (NUT, NASUWT, ATL etc)